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StreamlineCore -----

A different take on Essentials / CMI, but without the bloatware and with Folia support.

Placeholder API (for Proxies), Database Management, More Commands!
> Fixed a whole bunch of errors...
> Cleaned up start up messages.
> Made the defaults of most things to be off to not over complicate the initial set up and to make the initial startup a lot cleaner (and actually work!).
> RAT API! (Replace A Thing API)
> My own custom API to allow developers to have a PlaceholderAPI-like environment to add custom placeholders!
> Works EXACTLY like placeholder API, but I added a few things that are A LOT better! Such as logic placeholders instead of just query placeholders.
> TimedScripts!
> These scripts will automatically run after the set timer goes off on them. (Can also be re-occurring.)
> Custom ALIASES!
> You can make your own CUSTOM COMMANDS!
> Set a command name, then point it at a script to run and it will run that script!
> Scripts will have a massive over-haul soon! :)
> MultiDB / MySQLBridger addon!
> You can query, execute, etc. on ANY MySQL or MariaDB database ANYWHERE!
> The queries will also be cached into placeholders so that you can actually use them in your text!
> Set up saved Hosts and they will be cached so that you will not have to waste compute time by reloading your databases every x seconds! > FULLY CONFIGURABLE!
> Queries and executions also use all placeholders! :)
> /title command!
> Ability to send a custom title (and subtitle) (allows placeholders!) to any player on your network or even all of them at once!
> /text command!
> Ability to send a custom message (allows placeholders!) to any player on your network or even all of them at once!
> Probably a lot more that I am forgetting...
----------, Mar 29, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 10,902
First Release: Sep 7, 2020
Last Update: Jan 12, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
20 ratings
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