StonecuttersPLUS is a recipe plugin that allows you to do more things using the stonecutter like using wood, logs, planks, etc.
Mod is CONFIGURED for PAPER Servers, from my knowledge Bukkit Servers do not work, and Spigot is untested, the reason for this is unknown but feel free to try it yourself to see if it works :3
This is my first plugin for minecraft and some things that arent on Paper Servers may not work as expected, please give me time to figure out why and get used to this kind of thing. Enjoy <3 - ZevKun
This allows you to input all of the following wood types:
- Oak
- Spruce
- Birch
- Jungle
- Acacia
- Dark Oak
- Mangrove
- Cherry
- Warped
- Crimson
ZevKun, JustCallMeZev ©
Example Images: