messages: # # Minecraft Chat Color Codes (§ and &) works, but it's not completely supported. # For an accurate and correct usage of these configurations take a look at: # All function of this formatting type works! # prefix: "§bStatus§3§lSuffix§8§o » §r§f" status-not-found: "§cUnknown status '%status%'" status-not-accessible: "§cYou can't access that status '%status%'" loading: start: "§aLoading plugin..." commands: success: "§aSuccessfully registered command §e%command%" # %command% it's the command registered error: "§cFailed to register Command §e%command%" success: "§aPlugin loaded correctly!" error: "§cPlugin loaded with %amount% errors" # %amount% it's the total amount of errors occurs while plugin's startup must-be-a-player: "§cThis command cannot be executed from console!" no-permission: "§cYou don't have permission to use this command!"
custom-placeholders: # these placeholder can be used in reply, actionbar and chat messages, if a player named IceWolf23X use # any status command any %link% placeholder will be replaced with the content IceWolf23X: link: "%placeholder1% <clickpen_url:''>§5</click>" placeholder1: "§bclick to open:§r" # It's possible to use the placeholders registered previously in those registered later (in order from bottom to top) # Recursive placeholders will doesn't work
status: live: suffix: " §5§l♦§r §dLive" permission-node: "" sounds: # Sound played to everyone when the status has been started or ended enabled: true # Take a look here for other sounds! # start: "BLOCK_RESPAWN_ANCHOR_CHARGE" end: "BLOCK_RESPAWN_ANCHOR_DEPLETE"
reply: # command output to the executor start: "§fLive §estarted!" end: "§fLive §eended!"
actionbar: # Actionbar message displayed to everyone when the status has been started or ended enabled: true start: "§d%player%§r have been started a Live!" # %player% it's who executed the toggle command end: "§d%player%§r has been ended his Live!"
chat: enabled: true start: "§d%player%§r have been started a Live!, watch him at §5%link%§r!" # %player% it's who executed the toggle command end: "§d%player%§r have been ended his Live!" # %player% it's who executed the toggle command
rec: suffix: " §4§l♦§r §cRec" permission-node: "statussuffix.status.rec" sounds: # Sound played to everyone when the status has been started or ended enabled: true # Take a look here for other sounds! # start: "BLOCK_RESPAWN_ANCHOR_CHARGE" end: "BLOCK_RESPAWN_ANCHOR_DEPLETE"
reply: # command output to the executor start: "§fRec §astarted!" end: "§fRec §aended!"
actionbar: # Actionbar message displayed to everyone when the status has been started or ended enabled: true start: "§c%player%§r have been started a Rec!" # %player% it's who executed the toggle command end: "§c%player%§r has been ended his Rec!"
chat: enabled: true start: "§c%player%§r have been started a Rec!" # %player% it's who executed the toggle command end: "§c%player%§r have been ended a Rec!" # %player% it's who executed the toggle command