- Improved replant_crops (Thanks Exanthiax!)
- Added projectile support to headshot (Thanks kiriharu!)
- Improved libreforge force-loading for custom distributions (Thanks Erik Szabó!)
- Improved FancyNPCs support (Thanks Exanthiax!)
- Added more mcmmo integrations (Thanks Exanthiax!)
- Added scale effect (Thanks Exanthiax!)
- Fixed random chain executor not respecting weight
- Added FancyNPC integration (Thanks Exanthiax!)
- Fixed 1.21.3 and 1.21.4 support
- Updated to latest eco
- Fixed mine_radius_one_deep
- Added ability to disable holder update on item pickup (Thanks EricSzabo!)
- Added sheep_color filter (Thanks exanthiax!)
- shear_entity now supports snowmen (Thanks exanthiax!)
- Added honey_level_full filter (Thanks exanthiax!)
- Added honey triggers (Thanks exanthiax!)
- Fixed points commands not working with global points (Thanks OfTeN!)
- Improved mine_radius_one_deep (Thanks b0hle!)
- Fixed damage_twice (Thanks OfTeN!)
- add_enchant, remove_enchant, and has_enchant all now support enchantments from datapacks
- has_skill_level now supports AuraSkills
- Filters can now have both the regular and inverse present at the same time
- Added spawner_entity filter (Thanks exanthiax!)
- Added custom item tags, you can create them in /plugins/libreforge/tags.yml
- Updated to eco 6.73.0, make sure to update
- Added has_enchant condition (Thanks Exanthiax!)
- Added enchant filter (Thanks Exanthiax!)
- Added add_durability effect to modify item durability (Requires Paper 1.21+)
- Improved add_enchant and remove_enchant
- Fixed EcoSkills add_stat flicker (make sure to be on latest EcoSkills)
- Added new EcoScrolls triggers, conditions, effects, and filters
- Fixed AuraSkills add_stat integration flickering on reload
- Fixed bonus_health flicker
- Added in_gamemode condition
- Fixed safe_fall_distance
- Fixed Java 17 Compatibility (1.17 - 1.19.4 servers)
- Fixed AuraSkills integration (Thanks mishonenchev!)
- Fixed attributes on pre-1.21 (Thanks Kapitowa!)
- Added AxEnvoy integration (Thanks exanthiax!)
- Added NuVotifier integration (Thanks exanthiax!)
- Updated to latest libreforge
- Fixed error with craft trigger on 1.21
- /libreforge points now works with global points, just pass "global" in as the player
- Added safe_fall_distance effect (1.21+)
- Added block_reach and entity_reach effects (1.21+)
- Added mining_efficiency, mining_speed_multiplier, and underwater_mining_speed_multiplier effects (1.21+)
- Added gravity_multiplier effect (1.21+)
- Added increase_step_height effect (1.21+)
- Added jump_strength_multiplier effect (1.21+)
- Added movement_efficiency_multiplier and sneaking_speed_multiplier effects (1.21+)
- trident_attack is now paper-only
- Updated various internals to be 1.21-based, please report any bugs that occur with previous versions
- Updated to Java 21
- Added option to add certain ItemFlags to all items on the server (e.g. to globally hide attributes). This will require display-without-meta to be set to true in /plugins/eco/config.yml
- Fixed cross world block break issue
- Fixed attribute bug
- Fixed 'heavy arrows' bug on 1.21+
- Fixed LevelledMobs version compatibility issues
- Fixed console spam on 1.20.6
- Fixed a long list of bugs related to slots
- Added several new effects/conditions and made several improvements to existing effects/conditions (Thanks Callum!)
- Several memory optimisations (Thanks Casper!)
- Added 1.20.6 support
- Added in_slot condition, see here for more info:
- API: Added SlotType.isOrContains(SlotType) for compatibility with CombinedSlotType
- API: Added SlotItemProvidedHolder<T> which should be used instead of ItemProvidedHolder when fetching holders when possible
- Temporarily disabled holder refresh cooldown due to bugs
- Fixed memory leaks with add_holder, add_holder_in_radius, and add_holder_to_victim (Thanks Casper!)
- Massively improved general plugin performance with new holder refresh cooldown, set to 250ms by default but can be changed or disabled entirely (Thanks Casper!)
- API: Added Dispatcher<*>.forceRefreshHolders() if the cache must be bypassed. This should only be used in exceptional circumstances.
- Triggers that are disabled (i.e. not in use) will no longer have their listeners registered at all, improving performance and massively reducing memory use
- Trigger and TriggerData hashcodes are now lazy-evaluated instead of being evaluated on each call, improving performance (Thanks Casper!)
- Various improvements and fixes to several triggers, including fixing potential memory leaks (Thanks Casper!)
- Updated to latest libreforge
- Fixed alt_click
- More optimisations to move and change_chunk
- More performance improvements
- Fixed item_points_above, item_points_below, item_points_equal (Thanks OfTeN!)
- Fixed disabled triggers still running
- Fixed add_holder_in_radius
- Fixed memory leak with add_holder_to_victim
- Improved hashCode() performance under load for holders (Thanks Kapitowa!)
- Added optional check for meta (defaults to true) for switching to an item updating the holders (Thanks Kapitowa!)
- AFK Players will no longer have their holders updated by default (Thanks Kapitowa!)
- Fixed regen_multiplier (Thanks Kapitowa!)
- Various small optimisations to effect triggering (Thanks Kapitowa!)
- spawn_particle now runs async (Thanks Kapitowa!)
- Significantly improved performance of ItemHolderFinder, this has been the main source of performance issues for users
- Fixed cancel_event not always working as expected
- Fixed condition-not-met lore not respecting some placeholders
- give_item effect now supports multiple items (Thanks OfTeN!)
- Improved send_message and shear_entity triggers (Thanks OfTeN!)
- Fixed severe bugs with static trigger
- Fixed severe bugs with /libreforge trigger
- Fixed many bugs with various effects, triggers, conditions, etc caused by reload
- Fixed many more other bugs
- Categories will no longer clear on shutdown
- Fixed the plugin not loading for certain users since last version
- Fixed compatibility with Veinminer (Thanks Choco!)
- Optimised move and change_chunk triggers (Thanks Casper!)
- Added animation effect to play animations, more will be added in the near future
- API: Added Animation API
- Fixed give_permission causing errors with NPCs
- Added Model Engine integration: play_animation effect
- API: Added EntityProvidedHolder
- Added this_item filter
- Added support for TerraformGenerator custom biomes (Thanks OfTeN!)
- Added /libreforge debug command
- API: Added TypedHolderProvider<T>, TypedProvidedHolder<T>, and further improved ItemHolderFinder
- API: Added Dispatcher#getHoldersOfType<T: Holder>(): Collection<T>
- Fixed potential memory leak with entities
- Fixed bug where some placeholders wouldn't work in some places
- API: TriggerData is no longer a data class
- Fixed custom biomes integration (Thanks OfTeN!)
- Fixed location_to_drop mutator (Thanks OfTeN!)
- Updated to latest libreforge
- Several bugfixes and stability improvements
- Added custom biomes integration with Terra (Thanks OfTeN!)
- Updated Kotlin, should fix errors for some people
- Fixed move trigger not working
- Improved/Fixed smelt trigger (Thanks OfTeN!)
- Removed paper-plugin.yml
- Updated libreforge version
- Added complete_advancement trigger
- Added advancements filter
- Added has_completed_advancement condition
- Added TAB integration: has_scoreboard_visible, has_boss_bar_visible
- Big improvements to are and aoe_blocks: they will now run from the supplied location, rather than from the player's location. You may need to update some effects to have a location_to_player mutator
- Fixed all_players, random_player, run_chain, and nested chains for non-player triggers
- Added victim_as_dispatcher mutator
- Fixed Block and Location dispatchers
- Added dispatcher_as_player and dispatcher_as_victim mutators
- Improved all existing triggers for Dispatcher system
- Fixed run_command effect
- Fixed click_block and click_entity triggers firing twice (Thanks PQGuanfang!)
- API: Added TriggerData#dispatcher - there is no corresponding TriggerParameter as trigger data will always contain a dispatcher
- Several other performance and stability improvements
- Added many new triggers, filters, conditions, etc.
- AureliumSkills integration will no longer load if EcoSkills is installed
- Fixed is_behind_victim
- Added is_passive filter
- Fixed victim placeholders (Thanks PQguanfang!)
- Improved give_food effect (Thanks Keegan!)
- Fixed empty slots sometimes passing conditions like in_mainhand, in_offhand, etc.
- Cleaned up ItemData and ItemPoints
- Added option to not always process blocks with telekinesis, improves compatibility with other plugins
- Fixed console spam caused by Paper ItemStack#isEmpty change for people not on the latest version
- Fixed plugin not starting up on paper 1.17.1
- Fixed standing_on_block not working for non full-height blocks
- click_entity trigger now only fires for living entities
- Fixed spectral and tipped arrows not working with bow_attack
- Fixed empty_bucket trigger
- Fixed trackers not working when value and multiplier are both left blank
What's new?
You can now make your own stat trackers in config, just like in other plugins like EcoEnchants, EcoItems, EcoQuests, and everything else!
All of the old stats have been recreated and all items are fully compatible, so don't worry about anything breaking!
StatTrackers has also taken the target system from EcoEnchants so you can have more granular control over your items!
How do I upgrade?
Do a clean install! Delete your old StatTrackers configs and then update to the new jar, and all items and trackers will continue to work completely fine.
- Changed load order to POSTWORLD
- Removed ProtocolLib as a dependency
- Fixed GUI issues / duplication bug
- Added discover-recipes option (Thanks MillionthOdin16!)
- Added fish_caught tracker (Thanks MillionthOdin16!)
- Fixed duplication glitch
- Updated kotlin to 1.7.10
- Fixed trackers disappearing for some users
- Updated kotlin to 1.6.21
- Huge performance improvements to displaying and recording stats
- Added option to show stat trackers at the top of lore rather than the bottom
- Fixed base command permission (Thanks OfTeN!)
- Reduced display priority
- Completely rewrote the entire plugin from the ground up in kotlin
What does this update introduce?
- Specify targets for stattrackers to be applicable to (eg restrict trackers to just axes)
- Added support for custom model data, item lookup support, per-tracker names and lore, recipe permissions, per-tracker descriptions, and more customization options
- Added support to have multiple stat trackers on an item at once
- Switched away from drag-and-drop in favour of a GUI holding all the trackers on an item (accessed with /stattrackers)
- Fixed EcoBosses support with bosses_killed
Items will automatically migrate to the new system, so if you have a pickaxe proudly displaying 20000 block breaks, then don't worry about it breaking with this update.
- Updated commands to modern eco syntax (Thanks OfTeN!)
- Added extensions support (Thanks OfTeN!)
- Added setters to color and description (Thanks OfTeN!)
- Several internal changes
- Fixed display
- Updated config string getters before new eco release (that way people don't get visual bugs)
- Fixed trackers not being registered in eco item system (for recipes in other plugins)
- Updated commands:
/stgive --> /stattrackers give
/activestat --> /stattrackers activestat
/streload --> /stattrackers reload
- Added option to set stat tracker material (Thanks OfTeN!)
- Made a new icon and added it to the plugin
very cool
- Updated to eco 6.8.1 update checking (required new ID)
- Fixed meta null in display
- Updated to eco 6.0.0
This update will require you to update eco and all extensions
The major version number has been incremented due to semantic versioning
New icon uses a straight diagonal line rather than a curve
- Added 1.17 support and updated to Java 16
You'll have to wait for ProtocolLib to update to use this version on 1.17
- Massive display optimisations
- Updated to eco 5.0.0
Changed major version number for semantic versioning
- Fixed display not working
- Fixed Trackers overriding lore (breaking things like auction house, crates guis)
- Fixed reset-on-apply not working
- Changed 'enabled' to 'crafting-enabled' for less ambiguity
- Fixed permission defaults
StatTrackers has had the price reduced to £2.95
- Fixed strange bug where all stat trackers had the same description
- Fixed tracker dupe in creative mode
- Updated to eco 4.0.0
Requires eco 4.0.0 to be installed
- Added legacy support for old ItemStats items
- ItemStats is now
- Removed redundant /istatsdebug command
- New Criticals Dealt stat
- New Distance Jumped stat