Changelog for StaffModeX Update
New Features
- Chest Preview Mode: Added a system to preview chests silently (no sound or animation). Bypasses region permissions and requires the permission staffmodex.chestpreview.
- Staff Join Notifications: Added entry notifications for staff joining servers (e.g., "Staff entered Lobby"). Requires staffmodex.view_joins and staffmodex.join permissions.
- Suit and Item Protection: Prevent staff members from removing suits, clicking, or dropping items from their inventory.
- New Command Alias: Added /v as an alias for /vanish.
- Freeze Mode Counter Option: Added option to count forward instead of countdown when freezing a player.
- Dynamic Placeholder: Added placeholders to track the frozen player's name and freeze duration (%staffmodex_frozen_player%).
- Customizable CPS Check Interval: Added configuration option to change CPS check duration (default is 10 seconds).
- Teleport on Examine: Clicking "Location" in "Examine Player" now teleports the staff member to the player's location.
- Custom Commands in Examine Menu: Added support for custom commands in the "Examine Player" menu (e.g., clicking "Food" to heal a player).
- Default Message Prefix: Added a global prefix option in messages.yml to avoid adding prefixes for each individual message.
- Armor Type Customization: Ability to change armor type (Leather, Gold, Diamond, etc.) for staff suits.
- Improved Staff Chat Command: Now supports /staffchat <message> for quick staff chat messages.
- Custom Fill Items: Ability to customize the fill items and names when viewing a player's inventory.
- PlaceholderAPI Support: Added PlaceholderAPI support for staff chat and player item placeholders.
- Custom Gamemode: Ability to set a specific gamemode when entering staff mode, which reverts to the original upon exit.
- Staff Chat Console Logging: Fixed an issue where staff chat messages were not logged in the console. Added config option to enable this.
- Examine Inventory Bug: Resolved glitches with inventory examination in Minecraft 1.13.
- Warnings Command: Fixed /warnings not functioning on certain server versions.
- Build Permission: Added permission to allow building while in staff mode.
- Quit Location Restoration: Fixed a bug where player locations were not restored upon disconnect.
- Random Teleport: Fixed random teleport targeting NPCs. Now supports all worlds or can be configured in config.yml.
- Chest/Container Compatibility: Fixed errors when opening non-standard containers.
- Vanished Player Count Placeholder: Added a placeholder to exclude vanished players (%staffmodex_playercount%).
- IP Address Restriction: IP addresses in the player list are now visible only to ranks with staffmodex.showip permission.
- Staff Chat Restore: Staff chat will now restore when exiting staff mode.
- Reload Command: Fixed /staffmodex reload command not working correctly.
- Compatibility with PremiumVanish: Resolved an issue where right-clicking vanished random players instead of targeting the correct player.
- Menu Click Error: Fixed errors when clicking players in the /staff menu.
- Configurable Disable for Staff Chat: Added option to disable staff chat via the config.
- Improved NPC Handling: Random TP function adjusted to avoid teleporting to NPCs.
- Error Handling: Addressed multiple config-related errors, including issues when using "player list" or "random teleport" features.
This update improves staff functionalities, provides enhanced customization, and resolves various bugs to streamline the staff management experience on Minecraft servers.