StaffModeis a Minecraft plugin that allows server administrators to toggle into staff mode, enabling them to roam around and better spectate players. It offers custom permissions and command restrictions, allowing easy management of which commands are allowed while in staff mode, and helps maintain server control efficiently.
Toggle Staff Mode: Enter and exit staff mode with ease to monitor and manage player activities.
Gamemode Switching: Automatically switches the player's gamemode to Spectator when entering staff mode, and restores the previous gamemode upon exiting.
Fixed Location: Returns the player to their original location upon exiting staff mode.
Command Restrictions: Easily manage allowed permissions or commands while in staff mode.
Customizable Messages: Personalize messages for various actions through the configuration file, providing a tailored experience for your server.
Tab List Integration: Automatically hide the staff member's name from the tab list when they enter staff mode, enhancing their anonymity.
/staffmode: Toggle staff mode
/staffmode reload: Reloads the plugin configuration, updating any changes made in the `config.yml` file.
/staffmode permission add <permission>: Adds a specified permission to the list of allowed permissions in staff mode. Players in staff mode can use commands with this permission.
/staffmode permission remove <permission>: Removes a specified permission from the list of allowed permissions in staff mode. Players in staff mode will no longer have access to commands with this permission.
/staffmode help: Displays a help message listing all available staff mode commands that the player has permission to use.
staffmode.admin: Grants access to use all staff mode commands.
staffmode.use: Allows the player to toggle staff mode. Allow players to open containers (e.g. chest, furnace, etc.) while in staff mode, but they are not allowed to modify the containers in order to prevent abuse.
staffmode.containers.modify: Allow players to modify containers while in staff mode.
staffmode.reload: Grants permission to reload the plugin's configuration file.
staffmode.permission: Required permission for adding or removing permissions in staff mode.
staffmode.permission.add: Allows the player to add a permission to the list of allowed permissions for staff mode.
staffmode.permission.remove: Allows the player to remove a permission from the list of allowed permissions for staff mode. Allows the player to view the help message listing available staff mode commands.
Why are they allowed to use permissions or commands that are not in the allowed permissions list?
You must have the LuckPerms plugin installed on your server for permissions to function correctly. Without LuckPerms, the plugin cannot properly restrict or grant access to commands based on the allowed permissions list.
Support You can contact me on discord marcifyx if you need assistance. Feel free to message me if you encountered a bug within the plugin. I will do my best to fix them as soon as possible. You can make a suggestion by rating the plugin, and I'll be glad to implement it. Thank you!
Code (YAML):
# Allowed permissions for staff mode # This section lists the permissions that players are allowed to use while they are in staff mode. # For example, we have listed here, which allows players to use the /tp command while in staff mode. # You need LuckPerms plugin to use this feature. allowed-permissions: -
# Messages configuration # This section contains all the customizable messages that are displayed to players. messages: # Message shown when a player does not have the required permission to use a command. # %permission$ is the permission node that the player is missing. no-permission: "&7[&b&lStaffMode&7] &rYou don't have permission to use this command. &7&o(%permission%)"
# Message shown when a player attempts to use an unknown command. unknown-command: "&7[&b&lStaffMode&7] &rUnknown command."
# Message shown when a player successfully enables staff mode. staffmode-enabled: "&7[&b&lStaffMode&7] &rYou have enabled staff mode."
# Message shown when a player successfully disables staff mode. staffmode-disabled: "&7[&b&lStaffMode&7] &rYou have disabled staff mode."
# Message shown when a player uses a command incorrectly. invalid-usage: "&7[&b&lStaffMode&7] &rInvalid command usage."
# Message shown when a player uses the staff mode permission command incorrectly. staffmode-permission-usage: "&7[&b&lStaffMode&7] &rUsage: /staffmode permission <add/remove> <permission>"
# Message shown when a player uses the command to add a permission incorrectly. add-permission-usage: "&7[&b&lStaffMode&7] &rUsage: /staffmode permission add <permission>"
# Message shown when a player uses the command to remove a permission incorrectly. remove-permission-usage: "&7[&b&lStaffMode&7] &rUsage: /staffmode permission remove <permission>"
# Message shown when a permission is successfully added to the allowed permissions list. # %permission% is the permission node that was added. permission-added: "&7[&b&lStaffMode&7] &rPermission %permission% has been added to allowed list."
# Message shown when a permission is successfully removed from the allowed permissions list. # %permission% is the permission node that was removed. permission-removed: "&7[&b&lStaffMode&7] &rPermission %permission% has been removed from allowed list."
# Message shown when a player attempts to add a permission that already exists in the allowed permissions list. # %permission% is the permission node that already exists. permission-exists: "&7[&b&lStaffMode&7] &rPermission %permission% already exists in the allowed list."
# Message shown when a player attempts to remove a permission that does not exist in the allowed permissions list. # %permission% is the permission node that does not exist. permission-not-found: "&7[&b&lStaffMode&7] &rPermission %permission% not found in the allowed list."
# Message shown when a non-player (e.g., console) tries to execute a command. only-players: "&7[&b&lStaffMode&7] &rOnly players can use this command."
# Message shown when the plugin configuration (config.yml) is successfully reloaded. reload-message: "&7[&b&lStaffMode&7] &rConfiguration reloaded."
# Message shown when a player tries to use a command that is not allowed in staff mode. command-not-allowed: "&7[&b&lStaffMode&7] You are not allowed to use this command in staff mode."
# Message shown when a player tries to access containers (chests, furnaces, etc.) in staff mode without permission. # no-containers-access: "&7[&b&lStaffMode&7] &rYou are not allowed to access containers in staff mode."
# Message shown when a player tries to modify containers (chests, furnaces, etc.) in staff mode without permission. # staffmode.containers.modify no-modify-access: "&7[&b&lStaffMode&7] &rYou are not allowed to modify containers in staff mode."
# Header for the help command output. help-header: "&e&lStaffMode Help"
# Format for each command description in the help command output. # %command% is the command name. # %description% is the command description. help-commands: "&e/%command% - %description%"