StaffEssentials This Minecraft Plugin adds lots of features you might need for Staffing Purposes!
Features Incude: /staffchat <message> /gms [<player>] /gmc [<player>] /gma [<player>] /gmsp [<player>] /fly [<player>] /mutechat (bypass-able with permission!) /clearchat (bypass-able with permission!)
Use luckperms or any other permission plugin to give players/ranks permissions for the plugin features!
How to install: Simply put the plugin's .jar file into your server's plugins folder and restart. You can configure the plugin in the plugin's config.yml file.
Plugin permissions: staffessentials.version - Allows players to view the version of the plugin. - Allows the player to talk in staffchat staffessentials.gamemodec - Allows the player to go into creative staffessentials.gamemodes - Allows the player to go into survival staffessentials.gamemodesp - Allows the player to go into spectator staffessentials.gamemodea - Allows the player to go into adventure staffessentials.gamemodec.others - Allows the player to switch other players into creative staffessentials.gamemodes.others - Allows the player to switch other players into survival staffessentials.gamemodesp.others - Allows the player to switch other players into spectator staffessentials.gamemodea.others - Allows the player to switch other players into adventure staffessentials.bypasssclearchat - Allows the player to bypass clear chat. staffessentials.bypasssmutechat - Allows the player to bypass mute chat. staffessentials.clearchat - Allows the player to use the /clearchat command staffessentials.mutechat - Allows the player to use the /mutechat command - Allows the player to use /fly