sRandomRTP - random RTP cool teleport. icon

sRandomRTP - random RTP cool teleport. -----

rtp, ртп, плагин, plugin, телепорт, teleport, random, рандом, randomtp, randomrtp, рандом тп, world

----------, Jul 29, 2024

Adding new commands!
1. The following commands have been added:

/rtp player <player>
/rtp base
/rtp biome <biome>
/rtp accept
/rtp deny
/rtp back

1.1. /rtp player <player> - teleports the specified player at random. Permissions: sRandomRTP.Command.Player
1.2. /rtp biome <biome> - teleports to the specified biome. (if there is no biome in the teleportation radius, there will be an error, it will be fixed in the next update (maybe)). Permissions: sRandomRTP.Command.Biome
1.3. /rtp accept - this command is needed if the confirmation function is enabled when teleporting a player with the /rtp player <player> command. Permissions: sRandomRTP.Command.Accept
1.4. /rtp deny - similar to /rtp accept (DO NOT confuse with /rtp cancel). Permissions: sRandomRTP.Command.Deny
1.5. /rtp back - returns to the place before teleportation. Permissions: sRandomRTP.Command.Back
1.6. /rtp base - teleports near worldguard bases. Permissions: sRandomRTP.Command.Base
1.7. Added sRandomRtp.Cooldown.N permision which can change the cooldown time for each player: “replace ‘N’ with your time. With this permission you can set a custom cooldown time for the /rtp command. If the permission is not set, the team cooldown time is taken from the config. If team cooldown is disabled, the permission will not work.


Update config.yml and localization files!

1. Added the following keys to the config:


1.1. regionradius - answers how close it will teleport to regions.
1.2. rtp-player-messages - whether to enable the message that will be sent by the command /rtp player <player>.
1.3. bannedBiomescmdbiome and bannedBlockscmdbiome - full copy of bannedBiomes and bannedBlocks functions.
1.4. nether-enabled - prohibits teleportation of a player to the nether if he doesn't have the 'Fiery bowels' achivement by /rtp world <world_nether> command.
1.5. the-end-enabled - forbids teleporting a player to the nether if he doesn't have the 'The End?' achievement by /rtp world <world_the_end>.

2. Added the following keys to the localization files:


2.1. Each localization key can be viewed in detail by downloading the plugin update)

3. Сhanged message newVersionMessage, that the new message would be applied just delete this key in localization files newVersionMessage and reload the plugin.

3.1. Added placeholder %y% to title and subtitle, as well as to the message about successful teleportation (teleported), that the new message applied remove this key in the localization files teleported,titleMessage,subtitleMessage and reload the plugin.

3.2. Modified commandhelp message to make the new message apply just delete this key in localization files
commandhelp and reload the plugin.

3.3. Removed the line End-teleport, which prohibited teleportation to The_end.
3.4. Turkish language has been added!

Small changes!

1. A lot of bugs have been fixed.
2. More logging was added (to enable logs, then in config.yml logs: true).
3. And some other small changes, fixes and additions to the code.

Adding social networks!
1. The source code of the plugin was posted on github!
2. A discord server was created to solve your problems and so on!
3. A link was added for voluntary donations DONATE)
----------, Jul 29, 2024

Changes related to the plugin name!

1. All names with srtp are changed to sRandomRTP. It is not possible to change plugin name on bstats.

Adding new features!

1. sounds during bossbar and sound at successful teleportation were added.
2. Added a new function freeze effect, after successful teleportation if the function is enabled you will be frozen for a certain time, as if you are in loose snow.
3. Added functions to cancel teleportation if you move or move the mouse.

Adding new keys to the config!

1.The following keys have been added:

Freeze: - responsible for freezing after successful teleportation
enabled: true
time: 10

move-cancel-rtp: true - responsible for canceling teleportation when moving
mouse-move-cancel-rtp: true - cancel teleportation when moving with mouse.

mouse-move-cancel-cooldown: false - detailed description in the config.
move-cancel-cooldown: false - detailed description in the config.

1.1 New key in files with translations:

teleport-move-cancel - adds a message if you move.

Bug fixes!

1. The bug with loading blocked blocks has been fixed.
2. Other minor changes.
----------, Jul 18, 2024

Changes to translation files and plugin name.

1. The plugin name was changed from srtp to sRandomRTP , the link in the translation files was changed to the actual one and minor changes were made in the translation files.
----------, Jul 16, 2024


Changing files and translations!

All rtp settings have been moved from config and to keep the settings I advise you to save the old config.yml. After saving the old config, delete the sRTP folder with all its files. And after downloading the new version of the plugin will create new folders and files and on these files return your settings that were in the config.

1. changing and adding new file names:
1.1 The following folders and files were created:

1.2 The following files will be in the settings folder:


1.3 These files are responsible for customizing teleportation and its additional functions.

2. Added new keys in the files with translations:


2.1 Detailed description of the keys is in the translation files.

New functions!

1. Added title and actionbar message. Title is displayed after successful teleportation, and actionbar is displayed together with bossbar when you write a command. The time for actionbar is also taken from bossbar.

2. functions to turn other functions on and off have been added.

3. The line bannedworld was added, which is responsible for banning teleportation in a certain world.

4. It was added to write off hearts, money, hunger, and items after successful teleportation. All settings are in the file economy.yml. The Vault plugin is required for the money writing off function.

5. Added placeholder %srtp_rtp_count% which counts successful teleportations by commands /rtp /rtp near /rtp world.

Minor changes and improvements!

1. bugs fixed.
2. code optimization.
3. Addition of logs.
----------, Jul 14, 2024

The Russian comments were removed from the config. The Russian config is available via the link on GITHUB.
----------, Jul 6, 2024

New Feature Added!

1.Now you can customize command usage upon successful teleportation.

Added New Keys to Config!

1.The following keys have been added:
1.1These keys are related to the new feature for activating commands upon successful teleportation.

Translation Update!
1.Chinese language translation has been enhanced.
Thanks for correcting the Chinese translation
----------, Jul 4, 2024

Config fix!

1. Adding new commands and permissions to the config.
2. Fixed that when the plugin was launched the message was in Russian.
----------, Jul 4, 2024

Addition of New Commands:
1.A new command has been added - /rtp world <world>. This command teleports you to the specified world. There is TabComplete for worlds limited to 5 worlds.
2.A new command has been added - /rtp help. This command displays a list of available commands.

Bug Fixes:
1.Fixed an issue with the /rtp near command. If there were no players on the server or in the world, the plugin would throw an error. A check has been added for the presence of players on the server or in the world.

Adding Checks:

1.The check for WorldGuard has been changed. If the check for regions is enabled (checking-in-regions: true), an error will be logged in the console upon an attempt to teleport.

Changes in Plugin Logs and Errors:

1.Minor changes in logs.
2.If an error occurs in the plugin, a LogsErrors folder is created and files containing all errors will be stored there.

Changes in Plugin Translation:

1.The following keys have been added:

1.1.The keys noplayerservenear and noplayerworldnear relate to the check for the presence of players on the server or in the world for the /rtp near command.
1.2.The key commandhelp is responsible for the message displayed by the /rtp help command.
----------, Jul 3, 2024

Adding a New Command!

1. A new command - /rtp near has been added which teleports near a random player.

Title Addition!

1. Upon successful teleportation, a title and subtitle will be displayed. They can be enabled or disabled.

Config Changes:

1. The following keys have been added:


These keys control the title settings.

These keys control the /rtp near command settings.

2. Each key is described in detail in the config.

Changes in Permission Names and Addition of New Permissions!

1. New permission names:

sRtp.cooldownbypass - Old permission name.
sRtp.Cooldown.bypass - New permission name.

sRtp.command.CommandRtp - Old permission name.
sRtp.Command.Rtp - New permission name.

sRtp.command.CommandReload - Old permission name.
sRtp.Command.Reload - New permission name.

sRtp.command.CommandVersion - Old permission name.
sRtp.Command.Version - New permission name.

sRtp.command.CommandRtpcancel - Old permission name.
sRtp.Command.Cancel - New permission name.

2. A new permission - sRtp.Command.Near has been added which grants access to the /rtp near command.

Log Changes!

1. A few new logs have been added.
----------, Jul 1, 2024

Rtp Logic Update!

1. Added teleportation across the Nether world.

2. Added player world check. The plugin now teleports only within the world where the player is located; previously, it was only in the Overworld.

3. Plugin no longer teleports in the End world.

Plugin Translation Addition:

1. Added Ukrainian language translation.

2. Added the "End-teleport" string.

Config Update:

1. Added useful links.

Logging Changes:

1. Added validation for correct spelling of blocks and biomes. If anything is misspelled, a message will be logged to the console.

2. Made a couple of minor changes to the logs.
----------, Jun 28, 2024

Translations of the plugin into Polish and Vietnamese have been added.
----------, Jun 27, 2024

Some messages in the config have been fixed.
----------, Jun 27, 2024

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 740
First Release: Jun 26, 2024
Last Update: Jul 29, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
3 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings