SquidGames MiniGame | MultiArena, MultiLanguages, BungeeCord, and more icon

SquidGames MiniGame | MultiArena, MultiLanguages, BungeeCord, and more -----

The minigame popular tv show series brought to minecraft.

Version: 3.0
10/10 ¡El mejor plugin gratis de squid games sin errores que se actualiza y aun mejor el squid game plus recomendado muy divertido, solo que hay pocos mini juegos en la versión gratis, pero funcionan todos muy bien!
Author's response
Nos alegra mucho escuchar que te gusta este recurso y aun más la version plus.

Atte: Alberto Lara de MCLaraTeam

Version: 2.8
The new system is amazing!!! Thanks i love the plus version of the plugin. Thanks for getting back to the development.
Author's response
We really appreciate that you like this version.

Atte: Alberto Lara from MCLaraTeam

Version: 2.7
Can we get an option to disable bungeemode?
Anyway, good plugin.
Keep up the great work
Author's response
You can set the bungeecord to false, also if you need support please join on discord www.mclarateam.com/discord

Atte: Alberto Lara from MCLaraTeam.

Version: 2.3
Thanks for convert into plugin java native are better, and i think is most easy to install.
Author's response
We really appreciate that you like this plugin version.

Atte: Alberto Lara from MCLaraTeam

Version: 1.9
Its a Excellent Skript Can You Add German Language please?
I have tried it And its So Nice :D
Author's response
We really appreciate that you like this resource.

Atte: Alberto Lara from MCLaraTeam

Version: 1.8
I like the Plugin (Plus version).
And I give 10/10 to author's support.
Look forward to the next update.
Author's response
We really appreciate that you like this resource.

Atte: Alberto Lara from MCLaraTeam

Version: 1.7
Excellent Skript! Can you maybe add German Language?
Author's response
We really appreciate that you like this resource. If you can help us to do the translation, we will add it with pleasure

Atte: Alberto Lara from MCLaraTeam

Version: 1.1
Very nice plugin looking forward to the version for BungeeCord. My rating is 10/10
Author's response
We really appreciate that you like this resource. Bungeecord support will be added soon and if you have the plus version you will have it before everyone else.

Atte: Alberto Lara from MCLaraTeam

Version: 1.1
Thanks for the new version this is very stable. I also saw that many bugs and errors were resolved
Author's response
We really appreciate that you like this resource.

Atte: Alberto Lara from MCLaraTeam

Version: 1.0
discord invite not work discord invite not workdiscord invite not workdiscord invite not work
Author's response
Sorry for the inconvenience apparently the league expired, the new invitation link to our discord is: https://discord.gg/TapYx7Qyqc

Atte: Alberto Lara from MCLaraTeam

Version: 1.0
Hey, can you pass me your discord server? I am interested in the premium version, the discord link has expired
Author's response
With pleasure, the invitation link to our discord is: https://discord.gg/TapYx7Qyqc

Atte: Alberto Lara from MCLaraTeam

Version: 1.0
I have a survival server, will this work with me putting it on there without worrying about people lose their items when they join the game?
Author's response
Of course we will implement it in a future update.

Atte: Alberto Lara from MCLaraTeam

Version: 1.0
Ehm kinda stupid question I have a localhost server created with my files how do I put it?
Author's response
You can find the information you are looking for on our wiki. https://github.com/MCLaraTeam/minigame-squidgames/wiki

Atte: Alberto Lara from MCLaraTeam

Version: 1.0
I love that they have created a free version, even though I bought the plus version it is very appreciated that they created a free version.
Author's response
We really appreciate that you like this resource. And thank you for purchasing the plus version of this minigame.

Atte: Alberto Lara from MCLaraTeam

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 16,121
First Release: Oct 11, 2021
Last Update: Jan 8, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
14 ratings
Find more info at mclaratem.com...
Version -----
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Downloads: ------
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