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spark -----

spark is a performance profiler for Minecraft clients, servers and proxies.


Another round of changes for you all :) In no particular order...

Profile Flat View
The spark viewer now as a new mode - flat view.


This view shows a flattened representation of the profile, where the slowest 250 method calls are listed at the top level. It can be sorted according to total time or self time, and displayed either top down (like the normal view) or bottom up (where expanding a node reveals the methods that called it).

Server configuration settings now shown in the viewer info section
Like the rest of the data in the info section, knowing the server configuration settings (especially the ones that relate to performance optimizations) will hopefully make it easier to understand the context of a given profile.


Sensitive settings (e.g. database passwords or forwarding secrets) are excluded - like they are in Timings reports.

Thanks to omega24 who pull requested some of the functionality for this change.

New Command: /spark ping
Hopefully pretty self explainatory! This command monitors the ping/latency of online players and stores a rolling average. You can also use /spark ping --player <name> to check the ping of a specific player.

Enjoy, see you next time.. :)
----------, Jan 30, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 198,535
First Release: May 28, 2018
Last Update: Dec 1, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
103 ratings
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