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spark -----

spark is a performance profiler for Minecraft clients, servers and proxies.


This update features two major changes, firstly:

The profile viewer now has "widgets" that show extra contextual information about the server

(don't worry you can expand/hide it!)

This is only supported once you've updated to this version of the spark plugin though!

I hope that the extra information will make it easier to see an overview of these "server vitals" statistics, and make it possible for others to look at profiles taking into account the context which server server was running in. I plan to continue adding more of this sort of stuff to spark, so more updates to follow soon with (hopefully) similarly useful things!

And secondly..

A fix has been implemented for supporting the "async-profiler mode" inside Docker/Pterodactyl containers

Previously, some extra steps were needed that unfortunately most users weren't able to perform (due to lack of access and/or complexity of the changes required). This meant that spark was using the fallback built-in Java engine instead, whereas actually it could have still been using the async-profiler engine, just without support for profiling native calls (not useful for 99.99% of people anyway!)

In summary..

I encourage everyone to update! :)

If you have suggestions for how spark can be made even better, I'd love to hear them! Or if you can write code, submit a PR! spark is a cool project to work on if you fancy contributing something. Feel free to get in touch on Discord if you want to chat.

Finally, all that's left is to wish you an (early) Happy New Year, and I hope you've had an enjoyable Christmas if you celebrated it. :)
----------, Dec 29, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 198,535
First Release: May 28, 2018
Last Update: Dec 1, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
103 ratings
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