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Space -----

A new gamemode adding custom blocks, items, vehicles, foods, worlds, enchantments and more!

HUGE crafting system overhaul, bug fixes, improvements and other small changes
This update was a long time coming, but includes some pretty complex changes to help future-proof the project and make a more user friendly experience
  • Pulverizer now has an option to determine whether or not ores should be duplicated
  • EMP's now affect nearby energy networks, by fully draining their stored energy and disabling the machines
  • Custom foods now work in the lunchbox
  • Items can no longer be drag-clicked into empty slots of the lunchbox
  • EMP's now disable armor modules
  • recipes.yml entirely reformatted, to use a new shape system. This allows for 2x2 recipes (in inventory), or rectangular recipes that can be anywhere in the crafting grid. This means that any custom recipes you currently have will be reverted to their default counterparts to fit in the new recipe format, so take a backup prior to updating if necessary
  • HUD precursor is no longer dispatched constantly, flooding the ActionBar
  • Using the "/space give" command with an amount argument will no longer change the amount provided in crafting and the space guide
  • Renamed lunchboxes now work
  • Renamed g-boots now work
  • "broken" space items can no longer be placed
  • Atomiser is temporarily disabled, but will be re-enabled soon.
----------, Jun 6, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 856
First Release: Aug 10, 2018
Last Update: Oct 26, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
64 ratings
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