This update has quite a lot of features. I'd recommend reading the changelog below.
- The space generator has meteors - obsidian, stone and ore spheres that spawn at surface level
- A coal generator has been added to provide an alternative power source to the solar panel
- Added the tank refiller - When provided with power and oxygen (of over 25 units each) and a non-full oxygen tank is put within, it will fill up the given tank
- The tank refiller can refill oxygen tanks in planets with oxygen
- Full WorldGuard support ("space.regionbypass" to bypass)
- Custom lightsabers have been added. Configurable in the config.yml, and obtainable in the quantum workbench
- Most commands can now be run from console (GUI commands excluded)
- "/Space give" added to give users items
- The cheat GUI is now dynamic and will expand accordingly to accommodate for the items added
- Legacy item convertor added to start to add NBT to items so Space can better read them and provide better update support
- Photonic barriers now have sound
- Lightsabers now have sound
- Trashcans added (with sounds). Right-click to open, or shift right-click to place
- Updating the adamantium sword now takes the correct amount of money
- Fire and ender sword no longer have the same model data
- Elevators added
- New airlocks now no longer work when disabled
- Legacy rockets entirely removed
- Oxygen and energy now properly load into machines on restart
- LOTS of redundant code and optimisations.
- Smoother lightsaber actions added
All of the new items added in the changelog above will be on the wiki within the next 24 hours.