Space icon

Space -----

A new gamemode adding custom blocks, items, vehicles, foods, worlds, enchantments and more!

New world formatting, (Custom gravity, oxygen and display name for each world), Toggleable breathing
Make sure you reset your config.yml for this update to work. I apologize for the inconvenience
This update adds the following:
1) The breathing sounds can now be disabled by default
2) Each world can decide if it uses gravity, oxygen or both individually
3) Custom display names for space worlds from within rockets
4) The database.yml finally have a non-encrypted mode that can be enabled within the config.yml. If you use this, delete your databases.yml. This is not recommended
----------, Mar 28, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 856
First Release: Aug 10, 2018
Last Update: Oct 26, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
64 ratings
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