Code (Text):
# Settings section allows you to customise how the TextDisplay entity behaves.
# Trigger type specifies the way the bubble message is triggered.
# Available values: CHAT, COMMAND, CHAT_COMMAND
trigger-type: CHAT
# Alignment type specifies to which border side the message will be floated.
# Available values: LEFT, RIGHT and CENTER.
alignment-type: CENTER
# Display type is the way the bubble with the message follows the player's gaze.
display-type: VERTICAL
# Enable swapper allows you to enable or disable the swapper.
enable-swapper: true
# The See Through option controls how the bubble will behave behind a structure.
# Available values:
# true - you will see the bubble behind a block (Armor stand behaviour)
# false - false - you will not see the bubble behind a block.
see-through: false
# The line width options allow you to specify the width of a single line.
# 100 corresponds to 16 symbols per line.
line-width: 100
# Line Count allows you to limit the number of lines to display.
# You can write a number from 1 to infinite here
line-count: 5
# This setting represents the distance between a bubble message and the player's head.
# You can set a value from 0 to infinite.
head-distance: 1
# This setting allows you to adjust how much time is given to read a single symbol, resulting
# in the main display time being calculated for the entire bubble message.
# Example:
# "I love bananas!" - has 13 symbols, so we multiply 13 by 0.1 and we get 1.3 seconds
# to display this message.
time-per-symbol: 0.1
# This setting controls a part of the behaviour of the previous one. Here you can set the
# minimum time a player has to read a message. For example, if we have calculated 1.3
# seconds, it would not be used, instead the 2 seconds from this option would be used.
minimum-time: 1.5
# Display scale allows you to adjust the scale of the bubble.
x: 1.0
y: 1.0
z: 1.0
# This setting allows you to set the maximum number of mentions in a single message.
max-mentions: 5
# Format section allows you to change the design as it would be displayed.
# The Start Message Format allows you to customise how the start message is displayed.
# You can use PlaceholderAPI placeholders, MiniMessage formatting and internal
# {playerName}/{message} placeholders.
start-message-format: "{playerName}: {message}"
# This option is similar to the previous one, but is used for starting messages in the queue.
# You can use PlaceholderAPI placeholders, MiniMessage formatting and internal
# {playerName}/{message} placeholders.
queue-message-format: "...{message}"
# If a message doesn't fit into a single bubble, it will be cut off and printed in the next
# bubble. Here you can adjust how the cut is displayed.
# You can use PlaceholderAPI placeholders and MiniMessage formatting.
cut-message-format: "..."
# At the end of a single bubble or queue, you can add a message to the end.
# You can use PlaceholderAPI placeholders and MiniMessage formatting.
end-message-format: "."
# This option allows you to specify the color of the background. Doesn't work
# if opacity is set to 0. You must use the RGB format.
background-color: "#FFFF00"
# Adjust the opacity of your background colour or turn off the background.
# Values from 0 to 255 are available. (Set 0 to disable)
background-opacity: 0
# This option allows you to add a beautiful shadow to your text.
# If set to true, it will be displayed.
text-shadow: false
# In the Requirement section, you can specify what your players need in order
# to be able to send or receive a bubble message.
enabled: true
use-permission: "socialismus.bubblechat.use"
# This requirement allows you to specify how many symbols are required to
# display a bubble message. If the condition is not met, the bubble message
# will not be displayed.
symbol-count-threshold: 5
- "world"
- "world_nether"
- "world_the_end"
see-permission: null
see-own-bubble: true