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SMPAddons -----

A plugin for some simple additions to your SMP! (Inspired by the german server Craft Attack)

Spawn Elytra Setup Tutorial
    • After installing the plugin, log into your server and locate the spawn area where you want the Elytra feature to be available.
    • Stand at one corner of the spawn area, preferably the bottom-left corner (e.g., the lowest X, Y, and Z coordinates of the area).

    • Write down these coordinates; they will serve as your "minimum" values in the configuration.
    • Next, go to the opposite corner of the spawn area, ideally the top-right corner (e.g., the highest X, Y, and Z coordinates).

    • Record these coordinates as your "maximum" values.
    • Open the plugin’s configuration file (config.yml). Locate the area section, and input the coordinates you gathered:

    • minX, minY, minZ: Enter the coordinates from the bottom-left (or bottom-right) corner.

    • maxX, maxY, maxZ: Enter the coordinates from the top-right (or top-left) corner.

    • Important: Ensure that for each axis (X, Y, and Z), the min coordinate is smaller than the max coordinate. If it isn't, simply swap the values.

    • For example: If you have minX: 50 and maxX: -50, switch them to minX: -50 and maxX: 50.
    • Once you’ve entered the correct coordinates, save the configuration file. Restart your server or run the command /reload confirm to apply the changes.
    • With the correct setup, players within the defined spawn area will now be able to use the plugin as intended.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 33
First Release: Aug 19, 2024
Last Update: Aug 19, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
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