SmartDebug icon

SmartDebug -----

Debugging for Minecraft server anomalies.

New Features:
Introduced advanced movement detection, including teleportation checks and dynamic thresholds.
[+] Implemented severity levels for detected issues to prioritize and manage reports more effectively.
[+] Added server health monitoring with detailed thresholds for CPU load, memory usage, garbage collection time, thread count, and TPS.

[+] Enhanced issue reports with detailed potential causes and steps for remediation.
[+] Improved dynamic threshold adjustment based on historical data and feedback to reduce false positives.
[+] Optimized console feedback to prevent spamming by introducing cooldown periods for repeated issue reports.

Bug Fixes:
[+] Fixed compatibility issues with Paper server TPS fetching methods to ensure accurate performance monitoring.
[+] Addressed minor bugs to enhance the overall stability and performance of the plugin.
----------, Jul 14, 2024

New Features:
[+] Introduced advanced movement detection, including teleportation checks and dynamic thresholds.
[+] Implemented severity levels for detected issues to prioritize and manage reports more effectively.

[+] Enhanced issue reports with detailed potential causes and steps for remediation.
[+] Integrated user feedback more effectively to refine issue detection and confidence levels.
----------, Jul 13, 2024

New Features:
[+] Introduced sophisticated anomaly detection using Z-score statistical methods to identify unusual behavior more accurately.
[+] Implemented dynamic thresholds for issue detection based on historical data.

[+] Issue reports now provide more detailed information, including potential causes and remediation steps.
[+] Better integration of user feedback to adjust the confidence of detected issues.

[+] Improved concurrency handling with thread-safe operations on shared data structures using ConcurrentHashMap and Collections.synchronizedList.
[+] Enhanced identification of potential culprits with comprehensive checks based on commands, permissions, authors, plugin name, and description.

Bug Fixes:
[+] Fixed issues with issue logging to ensure accurate and reliable logging to the database.
----------, Jul 12, 2024

New Features:
[+] Added the /reportissue command, allowing players to report issues directly with detailed descriptions.
[+] Issues reported by players are now automatically categorized based on keywords.

[+] Enhanced validation ensures that the reported player exists before logging an issue.
[+] Players now receive detailed confirmation messages, making the feedback system more informative.

[+] Integrated an SQLite database to store historical data on detected issues for better analysis.
[+] Debug data, including player-specific behaviors and detailed context, is now saved in the database.
[+] Issue reports are more detailed, with sophisticated checks for potential plugin conflicts.

Bug Fixes:
[+] Addressed various minor bugs to improve overall stability and performance of the plugin.
----------, Jul 11, 2024

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 101
First Release: Jul 10, 2024
Last Update: Jul 14, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings