+ A Slot Machine can now have Tokens instead of Money as a payment method
- To switch a machine to Tokens, use the Magic Wand
- The price in token is the price of the Slot Machine truncated to be an integer (11.5$ will become 11 tokens)
- Tokens are physical in the player's inventory
- Default token is a Gold Nugget with the name 'Token' in gold
- You can change the token using the command '/setslotmachinetoken', it will set the token to your currently held item
- You can give tokens by using '/givetokens <Player Name> <Amount of Tokens>'
- You can customize the not enough tokens message in the config file
+ The prize for winning in the Slot Machine can now be different than the item displayed, example : you can give money for winning with 3 gold blocks
- This must currently be modified in the config file
- Here is a config file example : http://pastebin.com/raw/y58nRiqg the first item displays a chest, but the winner will get 64xAnvil, the second item display a redstone lamp but the winner will get 1500$ and the third item displays money and will give money
- I know that this is far from being user-friendly and I'm working on a way to make editing rewards easier. If you need help contact me using the Discussion page
* Potential fix for a bug allowing Players to steal the items from Slot Machines