[SKRIPT BSB] Better Shulker Boxes (NBT) icon

[SKRIPT BSB] Better Shulker Boxes (NBT) -----

A better way to open the shulker box // Shulker box open on rightclick (SKRIPT BSB)

How to use BSB (Better Shulker Boxes)?

  • To use Better Shulker Boxes, simply right-click a shulker box in your inventory, and it will open the corresponding shulker box. You can also move items between shulker boxes without closing your inventory by right-click at the shulker box while the inventory open.
What's the difference between locked and unlocked shulker boxes?
  • Unlocked Shulker Box: This is a regular shulker box that you can open and access its contents as usual.
  • Locked Shulker Box: A locked shulker box is one that is temporarily locked to prevent duplication. It gets locked when opened and unlocks when closed. It can be unlocked by an admin using a command (/bsbunlock) if necessary. Locking prevents duplication for security reasons.
Normally, when a shulker gets locked, that means the server crashed while the shulker box was open or someone closed the shulker without packets, duping the shulker.

How BSB changes the NBT data of a block?
  • BSB uses SkBee NBT tags, entities/blocks cannot hold custom NBT tags natively. But SkBee allows you to create custom NBTs and this custom data is stored in the "custom" tag of a block/entity's NBT compound. In order to make this work, SkBee had to resort to some hacks due to Minecraft's inability to support it.

Better Shulker Boxes (BSB) simplifies shulker box management:
  • Lock the Shulker Box: When you open a shulker box, BSB locks it using a special code, "BlockEntityTag;PublicBukkitValues;skbee-custom;locked." By using this locking mechanism, it is ensured that no duping will take place.
  • Virtual Shulker Box: BSB creates a virtual representation of the shulker box. When you interact with the shulker box in your inventory, you're actually interacting with this virtual inventory.
  • Storing Items: As you add items to the shulker box or remove items from it, BSB efficiently manages these changes in the virtual shulker box. It tracks item slots and their contents, ensuring that your items are kept safe.
  • Saving Items: When you decide to close the shulker box, BSB saves the contents of the virtual shulker box. It then adds this information to the shulker box's NBT data. This process guarantees that your items remain intact and are ready for your next use.
  • Unlock the Shulker Box: Once all your items are securely added back to the shulker box's NBT data, BSB unlocks the shulker box. It's now ready for you to access and use again, with all your items preserved.

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Resource Information
Total Downloads: 5,510
First Release: May 22, 2023
Last Update: Sep 24, 2024
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All-Time Rating:
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