# SkProxy Full Skript Template
# This Skript demonstrates all the features provided by the SkProxy plugin.
# Note: Retrieving player counts and server statuses takes a moment due to network latency, so delays are included.
# Command to connect a player to a specified server
command /connect <text>:
if arg-1 is set:
connect player to arg-1
message "Connecting you to server %arg-1%..."
# Command to check the player count and status of a specific server
command /checkserver <text>:
# Inform the player that the information is being retrieved
message "Fetching information for server %arg-1%... Please wait a moment."
# Fetch the player count and status of the specified server
set {playerCount} to player count of arg-1
set {serverStatus} to status of arg-1
# Wait for 1 second to allow the plugin to receive the server's status and player count
wait 5 second
# Display the fetched information to the player
if {serverStatus} is "Online":
message "Server %arg-1% is online with %{playerCount}% players."
message "Server %arg-1% is currently offline."
# Command to check the status of a specific server only
command /checkstatus <text>:
message "Checking the status of server %arg-1%... Please wait a moment."
# Fetch the server status
set {serverStatus} to status of arg-1
# Wait for 1 second to allow the plugin to receive the server's status
wait 1 second
# Display the status to the player
if {serverStatus} is "Online":
message "Server %arg-1% is currently online."
message "Server %arg-1% is currently offline."
# Command to check the player count of a specific server only
command /checkplayers <text>:
message "Fetching the player count for server %arg-1%... Please wait a moment."
# Fetch the player count
set {playerCount} to player count of arg-1
# Wait for 1 second to allow the plugin to receive the player count
wait 1 second
# Display the player count to the player
message "Server %arg-1% currently has %{playerCount}% players."
# Command to check the total player count across the entire proxy
command /checkproxycount:
message "Fetching the total player count across the proxy... Please wait a moment."
# Fetch the total proxy player count
set {proxyPlayerCount} to proxy player count
# Wait for 1 second to allow the plugin to receive the proxy player count
wait 1 second
# Display the proxy player count
message "There are currently %{proxyPlayerCount}% players connected across the entire proxy."