SkipNight icon

SkipNight -----

Allows players to vote to skip the night.

SkipNight is a simple plugin that allows players to skip the night via a vote. Once a vote is started, click the yes and no interactive text in chat to vote.

SpigotMC link:

[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]


  • /skipnight - Starts vote to skip the night.
  • /skipday - Starts a vote to skip the day.

  • - Allows player to start vote to skip day, vote and be counted in vote.
  • - Allows player to start vote to skip night, vote and be counted in vote.
Configuration (config.conf)

  • skipnight - Set to true to allow skipping the night.
  • skipday - Set to true to allow skipping the day.
  • phantom-support - Set to true to prevent players from voting if phantoms are attacking them.
  • world-blacklist - A list of worlds votes cannot be started in.
  • cooldown - A time, in seconds, after a vote finishes before another can begin.
  • disable-header - Set to true to prevent the "[Vote]" header from appearing on plugin messages.
  • vote-duration - A time, in seconds, corresponding to how long the vote lasts.
Messages Configuration (messages.conf)

The messages configuration contains every string of text found in the plugin. Follow the instructions in the messages configuration to modify these for your needs.

Tested working on Paper 1.8.0 - 1.21.

Special thanks to RoyCurtis, iamliammckimm, CRX VrynzX, Scarsz, Aikar, mbaxter, zml, Selida and ViMaSter!
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 14,919
First Release: Oct 13, 2017
Last Update: Jul 28, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
13 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings