SimpleTPA icon

SimpleTPA -----

SimpleTPA allows players to request, accept, and deny teleportations easily.

Main Features:
  1. Teleportation Requests (/tpa):
    • A player can request to teleport to another player using the /tpa <player> command.
    • If the target player is online, they receive a message with clickable options [YES] and [NO] to accept or deny the request.
  2. Accept Requests (/tpaccept):
    • If the target player accepts the request, the requesting player will be teleported to the target after a configurable delay (e.g., 5 seconds).
  3. Deny Requests (/tpdeny):
    • If the target player denies the request, the requesting player is notified.
  4. Automatic Request Expiration:
    • Teleportation requests automatically expire after 60 seconds if not accepted or denied.
  5. Configurable Teleportation Cost:
    • If enabled in the configuration, players can be charged for teleportation using Vault's economy system. The amount is configurable.
  6. Configuration Reload (/tpareload):
    • Administrators can modify the configuration and reload it with the /tpareload command.
Configurable Options:
The plugin loads a configuration file that allows customization of:

  • Messages shown to players (e.g., errors, success messages, or denial notifications).
  • Teleportation delay.
  • Whether teleportation costs money and how much it costs.
Technical Details:
  • Uses Vault: For economy management (e.g., teleportation fees).
  • Manages Teleport Requests: Uses a HashMap<UUID, UUID> to store requests, mapping the requester to the target player.
  • Interactive Messages: Utilizes TextComponent for clickable chat options that allow players to accept or deny requests.
  • Automation: Leverages the BukkitScheduler to handle request expirations and delayed teleportation.
Commands and Permissions:
  1. /tpa <player>:
    • Description: Sends a teleportation request.
    • Permission: tpa.tpa
  2. /tpaccept:
    • Description: Accepts a teleportation request.
    • Permission: tpa.tpaccept
  3. /tpdeny:
    • Description: Denies a teleportation request.
    • Permission: tpa.tpdeny
  4. /tpareload:
    • Description: Reloads the plugin configuration.
    • Permission: tpa.reload
Technical Details:
  • Supported Versions: Compatible with the latest Minecraft server versions.
  • Author: Developed by Mesiacik.
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Applied and tested on live server:
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 316
First Release: Jan 5, 2025
Last Update: Jan 5, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
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