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SimpleRanks -----

SimpleRanks is a easy way for you to create/manage/design your own Ranks on your Minecraft Server.

SimpleRanks Wiki
If you need help contact me on my socials:

- Discord: silal
- Instagram: ytsilal_twitch
- Twitch:
- Minecraft: Silal

A list of all existent commands.
/sr - is used fo rank management and configuration! <br>
/sr rank create {name} {color} - is used for rank creation! <br>
/sr rank delete {name} - is used to delete Ranks <br>
/sr rank info {name} - is used to collect the Informations of a rank <br>
/sr rank list - is used too lookup all Ranks <br>
/sr rank modify {moveUp/moveDown} - is used to set the rank position higher or lower
/sr rank modify {key} {value} - is used for further rank Modification <br>
/sr config {key} {value} - is used for Default configurations <br>
/rank {playerName} get - is used to get the rank of a player
/rank {playerName} set {rank} - is used to set the rank of a player

A guide how to write the config.json!
Code (Text):
  "defaultRank": "Player",
  "rankTimer": true,
  "rank": {
    "chatFormat": "{rank_color}{rank_dpname} \u00268»\u00267 {player_name}\u00268:\u00267 {message}",
    "chatRank": true,
    "teamSeparator": "»",
    "teamRank": true
The defaut rank is automaticly created on reload/get
This is used to turn on the /rank {player} set {rank} {time} <- time or turn it off
Is the format of messages in Chat.
How to use the Values:
- {rank_color} - color of the players rank
- {rank_dpname} - is replaced with the players rank name
- {player_name} - is replaced with the players name
- {message} - is replaced with the players message
Is a value if you want to use your custom format or not!
Is a value wich u can see above a players head and in the tablist between the Rank and the name. Default: "»"
is a value if u want the rank in tab and above a players head.

A list of all existent permissions.
When you have this permission you can use the /sr config {key} {value} command!
When you have this permission you can get the rank of a player using /rank {playerName} get
When you have this permission you can set the rank of a player using /rank {playerName} set {rank}
When you have this permission you can set all ranks using /rank {playerName} set {rank}
When you have this permission you can create new ranks using /sr rank create {name} {color}
When you have this permission you can delete ranks using /sr rank delete {rank}
When you have this permission you can see a list of all ranks using /sr rank list
When you have this permission you can use the /sr rank modify {rank}
When you have this permission you can use the /sr rank info {rank} command to get info about a rank
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 61
First Release: Sep 7, 2024
Last Update: Sep 7, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
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