Welcome to
SimplePlotRating is a simple plot rating system for plots from PlotSquared v7.
All text (messages, gui texts etc.) are editable. Support
Colorcodes (&6, &c ...)
- /plotrating (permission: simpleplotrating.command.plotrating) => open rating gui
- /plotratingadmin <reload> (permission: simpleplotrating.command.plotratingadmin) => reload all texts
- admin permission: simpleplotrating.admin
rating materials:
- full drageon eggs => 25/25 points
- full beacon => 20/25 points
- full diamond block => 15/25 points
- full iron block => 10/25 points
- full dirt block => 5(or >5)/25 points
rating categories:
- cellar (iron door)
- interior design (painting)
- garden (oxeye daisy)
- exterior view (nether star)
- creativity (structure block)
- rating on the street (4 block left of the default plot home) in front of the plot (25/25):
- rating gui:
- category (in this example) "iron door"
- close inv "barrier"
- skip category "ender pearl"
- next category/complete rating (at the end, to open the summary gui) arrow
- set rating one of the five white glass pane (left 1, right 5)
- summary gui:
- skull of the owner of the plot
- 3 items (they are placed to the side of the plot) which represent the rating
- lime dye to set the rating
default config:
Code (Text):
prefix: '&a&lSIMPLEPLOTRATING &8» '
no_player: '&7You are not a player!'
no_permission: '&7No permission!'
no_plot: '&7You are not on a plot!'
no_owner: '&7This plot has no owner!'
open_gui: '&7Opening rating GUI...'
rating_set: '&7You have rated this plot from &a%plot_owner% &7with &a%rating%&7/&a25 &7points!'
prefix: '&a&lSIMPLEPLOTRATING &8» '
rating_title: '&8Plot rating'
rating_category_cellar: '&7Cellar'
rating_category_interior_design: '&7Interior design'
rating_category_garden: '&7Garden'
rating_category_exterior_view: '&7Exterior view'
rating_category_creativity: '&7Creativity'
rating_rating_item: '&fRating: &a%rating%&7/&a5'
rating_close_item: '&cClose'
rating_skip_item: '&7Skip this category'
rating_next_item: '&aNext category'
rating_go_to_summary_item: '&7Complete rating'
rating_summary_title: '&8Plot rating summary (&a%rating%&8/&a25&8)'
rating_summary_skull: '&2%plot_owner%'
rating_summary_complete_item: '&7Set rating'
rating_line_1: '&0Rated by'
rating_line_2: '&a%rated_player%'
rating_line_3: '&0on %date_day%.%date_month%.%date_year%'
rating_line_4: '&a%rating%/25 points'
I hope you enjoy this plugin. If you like this plugin you can rate it!
Support, bugs & ideas: discord: jonahd345 or
[email protected]
You aren't allowed to upload this plugin on a download page!