For legacy versions (1.12, 1.13, 1.14, 1.15), if you're encountering this error:
Code (Text):
org.bukkit.plugin.InvalidPluginException: Unsupported API version 1.16
Simply change the "API" version in plugin.yml (From the DoubleJump.jar) from 1.16 to whatever version you are running!
Full Customization everything can be within your tastes - sounds, particles, colors, power of the jump and more.
You can enable the feature in certain worlds or regions (with WorldGuard)
1.21, no need to change things. This plugin was made with compatibility in mind
HEX, color codes and MiniMe support everywhere
You can set cooldowns
You can set the cooldown in between jumps, as well as the maximum amount of jumps
Lightweight. I work constantly to reduce excess code and to make everything as efficient as possible
TabCompleter so that you don't have to worry about typing all the commands by yourself
Everything is toggleable, if you don't want something to be available to the players, you can just turn it off in the config, and reload the plugin.
Friendly developer, always ready to answer questions and squash bugs
Open-Source, so everything is out in the open. GitHub
Constant updates, in the summer at least.
Code (Text):
#Max continuous jumps for a player before he has to wait ##############
max_jumps: 4
#Cooldown for every jump in seconds. Once he jumped once, this amount of seconds have to pass in order for him to gain one more jump
cooldown: 15
#Settings for the jump, you can use doubles as values (ex. 0.5) ########
multiply: 1
y: 1
#Particle and sounds that you wish to use ##############################
particle: campfire_signal_smoke
- "world"
- "region"
#Attention! Depending on your platform, you need to use different color codes!
#For Paper users - use the new MiniMessage formatting:
#For Spigot or other platforms - use the old color codes (&c, &f), or use HEX like this: #80C7FDHello
jump: "<dark_gray>(</dark_gray><aqua>✈</aqua><dark_gray>)</dark_gray> <white>Woosh! (%jumps%/%maxjumps%)"
maxjumps: "<dark_gray>(</dark_gray><red>❌</red><dark_gray>)</dark_gray> <white>You're tired, make sure you rest! (%jumps%/%maxjumps%)"
toggle: "<dark_gray>(</dark_gray><aqua>✈</aqua><dark_gray>)</dark_gray> <white>You toggled your double jump!"
wrong-cmd: "<dark_gray>(</dark_gray><aqua>❌</aqua><dark_gray>)</dark_gray> <white>Oops! Use /dj toggle"
doublejump.use - Allows the user to double jump
doublejump.exempt - Blocks the user from double-jumping