Description Through this plugin you will be able to manage the freezing of a player; selecting which actions he can perform, and which he cannot.
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Recognizes 14 actions (events), and prevents a frozen player from performing them, notifying those with permission of the attempt. Can be customized in the config.yml
Select players exempt from freezing by name or UUID. Can be customized in the config.yml
100% translatable via messages.yml
A command to freeze one player
A command to freeze all the online players
A command to thaw one player
A command to thaw all the online players
/freeze reload: Reload the plugin
/freeze help: View the generic help menu
/freeze freeze <name>: Freeze a specific player
/freeze freeze *: Freeze all the online players
/freeze thaw <name>: Thaw a specific player
/freeze thaw *: Thaw all the online players
simplefreeze.completer: Access the use of the TabCompleter
simplefreeze.reload: Access the use of the /freeze reload command Access the use of the /freeze help command
simplefreeze.freeze: Access the use of the /freeze freeze <player> command
simplefreeze.freeze.all:Access the use of the /freeze freeze * command
simplefreeze.thaw: Access the use of the /freeze thaw <player> command
simplefreeze.thaw.all:Access the use of the /freeze thaw * command
simplefreeze.notify: Accepts receipt of notifications ineerent to: freezing, thawing, and related events
# Do not modify this value, it may CORRUPT the entire config file!
version: v1.0-Relase
# Those who will be listed here can never be frozen
enabled: true
- "SadShrimpy" # SadShrimpy cannot be frozen from wnyone
#- "Other names..."
- "cd9899eba5724029a6c6ccc8b96291e9" # This UUID cannot be frozen from anyone
#- "cd9899eb-a572-4029-a6c6-ccc8b96291e9" # UUIDs with this format are also accepted
#- "Other UUIDs..."
# Recognized actions, which a player might perform under freezing
actions: # The plugin will prevent the execution of the TRUE actions
# (The actions will be cancelled)
# When the velocity of a player changes
PlayerVelocityEvent: true
# When the player get teleported
PlayerTeleportEvent: true
# When the player is about to teleport because it is in contact with a portal
PlayerPortalEvent: true
# When the player right-clicks an entity
PlayerInteractEntityEvent: true
# When the player is almost about to enter the bed
PlayerBedEnterEvent: true
# When the player is leaving a bed
PlayerBedLeaveEvent: true
# When the player is moving
PlayerMoveEvent: true
# When the player is placing a block
BlockBreakEvent: true
# When a player is destroying a block
BlockPlaceEvent: true
# When the player try to send a chat message
AsyncPlayerChatEvent: true
# When the player's food level changes
FoodLevelChangeEvent: true
# Whenever the player runs a command
PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent: true
# When the player is damaged by an entity
EntityDamageByEntityEvent: true
# When the player do something related to an inventory event (open chest...)
InventoryOpenEvent: true
# Plugin's related messages
prefix: "&7[&bSimple&fFreeze&7] &8> &7" # Prefix of the plugin
correctly: "&7Plugin reloaded &acorrectly&7."
incorrectly: "&7Plugin reloaded &cincorrectly&7."
# Player's related messages
# When a player try to execute a command without the right permission
no-permission: "&7Hey &e%player-name%&7, you &cdon't have &7the permission &8(%permission%)&7, to execute: &b%command%&7."
# When a player try to execute a command that isn't exist
cmd-not-found: "&7Hey &e%player-name%&7, sorry but the requested command &b(%command%) &cisn't &7found&7."
# When a player is frozen
target: "&7Hey &e%player-name%&7, you were &bfrozen &7by &f%player-executor%&7."
# When a player try to freeze a player that can't be frozen
exempt: "&7Hey &e%player-name%&7, you can &cnot &bfreeze &f%player-target%&7."
# When a player freezes another person (private msg)
executor: "&7Hey, you just &bfroze &f%player-target%&7."
# When a player try to thaw a player that is already frozen
already-frozen: "&7Hey, the player &f%player-target% &7is already &bfrozen&7."
# When a player was thawed
target: "&7Hey &e%player-name%&7, you were &bthawed out &7by &f%player-executor%&7."
# When a player thaws another person (private msg)
executor: "&7Hey, you just &bthawed out &f%player-target%&7."
# When a player try to thaw a player that is already thawed
already-thawed: "&7Hey, the player &f%player-target% &7is already &bthawed&7."
# When a player try freeze a player that is not online
no-online: "&7Hey &e%player-name%&7, sorry there are &cno &eplayers &7present in the server."
# When a player try freeze a player that is not online
not-found: "&7Hey &e%player-name%&7, sorry but the player &f%player-target% &cisn't &7found&7."
# When a player attempts to perform an action while frozen
# For configuring the recognised action, see the config.yml file
# Referred to the person performing the action
action-executor: "&7Hey &e%player-name%&7, you can &cnot &7perform the &f%action-name% &7 while frozen&7!"
# Referred to the person who has permission to receive notifications (simplefreeze.notify)
action-notify: "&7Hey, the player called &e%player-name%&7 just performed the &b%action-name% &7action, while frozen&7!"
generic: # Message shown through the help command (/freeze help)
- "&7&m-------------------&7[ &bSimple&fFreeze &7]&m-------------------"
- "&6/freeze help &8- &7view the generic help menu (this)."
- "&6/freeze freeze <player/*> &8- &7freezes all online players."
- "&6/freeze thaw <player/*> &8- &7freezes all online players."
- "&6/freeze reload &8- &7reload the plugin."
- "&7&m-------------------&7[ &bSimple&fFreeze &7]&m-------------------"
Open source You can find the code (now also my library) here (GitHub).