Commands & Permissions - /weather sun/rain/thunder | | Changes the Weather - /workbench | simplecore.workbench | Opens the Workbench - /broadcast (message) | simplecore.broadcast | Broadcast a Message in the Chat - /rename (name) (or /itemrename) | simplecore.rename | Rename the item that you have in your hand - /msg (player) (message) | simplecore.message | Message another player - /r (message) | simplecore.reply | Reply an message from an player - /enchant (enchantment) (level) | simplecore.enchant | Enchant an Item up to level 999 - /anvil [player] | simplecore.anvil / simplecore.anvil.other | Open an Anvil Interface for you or another player - /gamemode [player] (mode) | simplecore.gamemode | Set your own gamemode or for another player - /heal [player] | simplecore.heal / simplecore.heal.other | Heal yourself or another player - /feed [player] | simplecore.feed / simplecore.feed.other | Feed yourself or another player - /chatclear | simplecore.chatclear | clear the chat
We have lots of more commands, please wait that we add them here.