Options: # GENERAL OPTIONS cooldown: 15
# Duration of Combat Log in seconds noperm: &cYou don't have the permission to do that #
No permission message prefix: &4simpleCombatlog &7» # Prefix of any message
broadcast: true
# Set it false if u don't want the broadcast when a player quit in combat mobcl: true
# If this option is true the combatlog work also with mob. If it's false don't work with mobs credits: true
# Dev credits lang: "English"
# Write English or Italian interror: &c&lERROR &7» &cAn internal error occurred in the Skript. The language is not set correctly
# Don't touch this! # ENGLISH OPTIONS combatmessage1: &cYou are now in combat with &e%victim%&c. Don't log out! combatmessage2: &cYou are now in combat with &e%attacker%&c. Don't log out! nolongerincombat: &cYou are no longer in combat. #Message where you are no longer in combat broadcastlogout: &e%player%&c logged out while in combat!#Broadcast when a player log out while in combat bypass1: &cYou now have the combatlog bypass bypass2: &cYou now don't have combat log bypass