# ==========================================
# Simple Word Blocker Config
# ==========================================
# Welcome to the Simple Word Blocker configuration!
# Here you can customize the plugin's behavior
# to protect your server from unwanted words.
# Prefix for messages sent by the plugin.
# This prefix will be added before all plugin messages.
# Change this to your desired prefix
prefix: "&8[&6&lSWB&8] "
# Enable or disable logging of blocked words.
# This will allow you to keep track of filtered words.
# true to enable, false to disable
logging: true
# List of words that will be blocked in chat.
# Add the words you want to filter here.
# Replace 'example1' with the word you want to block
# Add as many words as you need
# Use lowercase words
- "example1"
- "example2"
# Message that will be sent to players attempting to use blocked words.
# Customize this message to fit the style of your server.
block-message: "&cHey, you shouldn't say that word. We ask you to moderate yourself!"
# Sound to play when a word is blocked.
block-sound: "ENTITY_VILLAGER_NO"
# =======================================
message_error: "&cThis command is incorrect. Use /swb help."
permission_error: "&cYou do not have sufficient permissions to execute this command."
reload_message: "&aplugin reloaded successfully!"
# ==========================================
# Thank you for using Simple Word Blocker!
# We hope you enjoy a safer chat on your server.
# ==========================================