It's been with my server since the early days❤ around 2021, it's great, but I wish it would have a chest menu for Geysers to make it easier to interact (don't ask why I'm not on discord, I can't remember why I was banned)
The /tpa player tab completing is working as expected. It just tested. Either you have heavily modified server or using lower version. Make sure you are up to date and report bugs to the discord!
Version: 7.1
Works great and nice cooldown options :) It would be amazing if it was possible to also have a port to the players spawn command or something alike that could also been configured on a cooldown.
Hey, I posted an update which supports 1.21. Thank you for the review <3 Also if you have any more questions or issues, you can contact me in the discord server!
Version: 6.7
Yay! 1.20.6 support + hex color support! this is one of the best updates in this plugin history, thanks
Thank you <3 for the review! I highly appreciate it!
Version: 6.4
Hey, so far, ive been loving this plugin! But I'd love it even more if you added the option to charge people per 100 blocks with an item like a gold ingot. I'd also like it if you can also make it so that you can't be crouching when tpa-ing. Thanks!
Thanks for the review <3 . Please next time use my discord support server or the discussion section. As for the back command there is an option in the config: disable-back: false Make it true: disable-back: true and restart the server!
Version: 6.3
Thanks for update, really great plugin, i do use it for any smp, simple and easy to use, but very efficient.
Thank you for your honest review! I highly appreciate that you like the plugin!
Version: 6.1
9/10 - does exactly what is made to do.
This plugin is just amazing, it really just does its job, and it does it better than most of other plugins.
Only, and again one and only, downside, which i do not wanna report as a "bug" is that in the newest version which it supports after teleportation it sends an exception into the console. Nothing changes, just the exception is there, idk why. No other plugins, no other stuff just 1 plugin and 1 world on the newest supported version.
Anyway, amazing plugin overall.
Thank you for your helpful review! <3 Have a great day!
Version: 6.1
how can I set that normal people can not use the /back command. But only those with the /back permission. Because /back usually everyone has what I don't want
hi guy everything works except the tpa how to do? internal error ca tells me but I find the plugin really well juer to you the click system is exellent
Can you show me the errors in the discord support server? So I can help you out
Version: 6.1
I really like this plugin and it's really the only gameplay-changing plugin that I use on an SMP with friends. Great job. There is one thing I would LOVE to see added though. An option to disable travel between dimensions like overworld-nether, etc. And only make it work if both players are in the same dimension instead of just cancelling it working in those worlds altogether. Otherwise you did excellent.
Thank you for your review. I'll have free time in a week, so I can add this feature.
Version: 6.0
Fixed my latest issue within a day. I reported it on the Discord, got a reply within an hour and then a fix within 24 hours.
Awesome for a free plugin for sure, would recommend!!
Thank you a lot for the review! It really motivates me to fix issues, make updates and create other plugins!
Version: 5.9
[ERROR]: [[STDERR] ] org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_17_R1.legacy.CraftLegacy Initializing Legacy Material Support. Unless you have legacy plugins and/or data this is a bug!
Legacy plugin SimpleTpav5.9 does not specify an api-version
It's fine, don't worry about this. Thanks for the 5-star review as well <3
Version: 5.7
I am writing from Russia and I am actually attaching it very well, but here is the problem: The translation into Russian does not work! I translated it several times, but it was still put into English!
Пишу я из России и прилагаю на самом деле очень даже хорошо, но вот проблема: Перевод на русский язык не работает! Переводил несколько раз, но он все равно ставился на английский!
The plug-in works well. The developer is an excellent creator.
This is a good plugin as you can tell by the 4 stars, but something bothers me. I had ACCEPT and DENY buttons since the start but then they suddenly dissapeared after a while and I checked the config file and the buttons aren't disabled so I really don't know the problem.
I can tell for sure the plugin is as good as 5 stars. As far as I remember you haven't asked for any help in the discord. I haven't seen a person asking for help for accept/deny buttons
Version: 5.3
Exellent Plugin!!
I needed it because so people can tp to people when they're really far away! Thanks!!
I will rate this plugin with 4 stars, every thing is excellent but in the last Minecraft Version (1.16.5) the "/back" command is not working, my server player die and they tried to use "/back" but it didn't work plz check whats happening whit that command in the las version, also great plugin :D
Thank you for the review! It helps me a lot! I'll surely add some aliases to the command
Version: 4.2
Seems to work fine but i have difficulties enabling the bypass cooldown for different groups. I am using simpletpa.bypasscooldown but cooldown is 5 seconds, reload and restart the server doesnt help :/
Thanks buddy. I really appreciate the review. It helps me a lot! Well, as you know I'm still rewriting the 5.0 version. Hopefully I can upload the 5.0 bug free version :D
Version: 4.1
I decompiled this plugin because I was curious as to what you were trying to hide.
It's no wonder you don't want people to decompile the plugin.
I recommend rewriting the plugin with OOP and performance in mind. The current codebase is 1-star worthy, but I'll give you 2 because the plugin probably works.
Address these issues and stop trying to hide your incompetence and I'll give you more stars.
Thanks for the review! The plugin is getting recoded.
Version: 4.1
The plugin works fine, but no one can use the /tpahere command. Also, I would like it better if it was possible to disable the /back for going back to a death location; I just workaround by deleting the DeathEvent.class file in the .jar with WinRar.
Thanks for the review. You can disable the back system event in config.yml. Also, please report the problem with /tpahere in my discord / the discussion section!
Version: 4.1
Really nice Plugin.
But can u add a Message, when someone click on the Accept oder use /tpaccept? Thank you!
Ahh, thank you for the review! Also, I forgot to add this message. It should be fixed the next update
Version: 3.9
It works I suppose.
The plugin's """terms of use""" violates its licence (GPLv3 due to its dependency on Bukkit). Yes, I decompiled it, and yes I will show parts of the code. No, it's not illegal. No, it's not in violation with your terms, as they are invalid.
The author does not know of visibility modifiers.
File customConfigFile;
FileConfiguration customConfig;
Map cooldown = new HashMap();
Map request = new HashMap();
Map tphere = new HashMap();
ArrayList waitTimePl = new ArrayList();
HashMap back = new HashMap();
HashMap locationPl = new HashMap();
HashMap backLocationPl = new HashMap();
ArrayList tpaToggled = new ArrayList();
Map backCooldown = new HashMap();
String nms = getNMSVersion();
String mcver;
The switch-block for finding the server version is pure aids.
public static String formatNMSVersion(String nms) {
byte var2 = -1;
switch(nms.hashCode()) {
case -1497224837:
if (nms.equals("v1_10_R1")) {
var2 = 9;
// And more...
switch(var2) {
case 0:
return "1.7.2";
case 1:
return "1.7.5";
case 2:
return "1.7.8";
case 3:
return "1.7.10";
case 4:
return "1.8.1";
// And more...
The author does not know of the Java naming conventions.
Unnecessary boxing of primitives all around.
> Boolean booleana = this.plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("disable-back-command");
> Boolean bo = this.plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("disable-move-system");
String#replaceAll is for regexes. String#replace is for raw strings.
> time.replaceAll("%time%", Integer.toString(cooldown));
> one = one.replaceAll("%player%", p.getName());
This is very rude by your side! As this is a free resource, I have the right to code it HOW I want. I dont have to follow your "PERFECT" rules. Since the spigot platform is not connected to Bukkit anymore, You don't have the right to decompile it.
Version: 3.8
Can you add that the /back command can be use it when you use any type of tp? When I use it after I use /spawn, /tpa, or another type or tp it does not work.
I know about that problem. I updated it a second ago!
If there are any issues, contact me
Thanks for the review :D
Version: 3.7
This plugin has worked pretty well for my server and it's simple enough.
My only problem is that there's no /spawn command, that would be a good addition.
Thank you so much for the review. I want to keep this plugin simple.
Version: 3.7
actually great plugin but have a little issue i know that i can toggle tpa on and off but i don't know how i tried /tpatoggle but it doesn't work any one still can send tpa request
/tpatoggle is to disable the teleportation to yourself. As I said any problems/bugs should be discussed in the discussion section :) You've never asked in the discord/discussion section
Version: 3.7
Perfect Plugin! Honestly go download it! Right now..! what are you waiting for?? stop reading this.. Seriously... go download.. The guy who made it is a G. Ready to help with any problem! idk what else to say.. Its perfect :D
Thank you for your review. It means a lot to me :)
Version: 3.1
Best TPA Plugin out there! I just updated to the version 3.1, and if I may suggest, you should add that the /back can also TP you to your last death location! Thanks a lot!
Installed on my 1.14.4 server, works like a charm, using GroupManager for permissions, no problems, no errors. Very VERY nice! would be cool to set a variable timer, where players have to stand still while being teleported.