The plugin was only tested on version 1.20, but it is likely that it will work on earlier versions.
SignLink is a Minecraft plugin that allows players to create clickable signs with URL links. With this plugin, you can write a URL in a book, then click on a sign to open that URL. The book with the URL is removed from the player’s inventory after creating the clickable sign.
Simple configuration through a config file.
Support for various types of signs that can have URLs (e.g., OAK_SIGN, OAK_WALL_SIGN, BAMBOO_SIGN, and others).
Automatic saving of the URL and creator information to a database file.
Command /signlink reload to reload the plugin configuration.
Write a URL in a book in Minecraft.
Place the book in your hand and click on a sign to make it clickable.
The book will be removed from your inventory, and players will be able to click on the sign to open the specified URL.
/signlink reload (sign.sign) - reloads the plugin configuration.