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Shush -----

Allows players to mute other players' messages for themselves.

Allows players to mute other players' messages for themselves, providing a personalized chat experience.
Key Features
Personal Muting: Players can mute specific users' messages for themselves.
Chat Filtering: Automatically filters muted players' messages from chat.
Private Message Control: Prevents muted players from sending private messages.
User-Friendly: Simple commands for muting and unmuting players.
Configurable: Easily customize messages through the config.yml file.
Cross-Version Compatibility: Supports Minecraft versions from 1.8 to the latest.
Available Commands
/shush <player> - Toggle mute status for a specific player.
/shush reload - Reload the plugin's configuration.
shush.reload - Allows reloading of the plugin configuration.
shush.bypass - Allows bypassing the mute system. Players with this permission can't be muted.
Installation Steps
Download Shush:
Get the latest version from Modrinth.
Place the .jar file into your server's plugins directory.
Example: /plugins/Shush-x.x.jar
Restart your server or use a plugin manager to load Shush.
Edit the config.yml file located in plugins/Shush/config.yml to customize messages.
Example configuration:
Code (Text):

prefix: "&7[&bShush&7]"
muted: "&aYou have muted {player}'s messages."
unmuted: "&aYou have unmuted {player}'s messages."
cannot_mute_bypass: "&cYou cannot mute this player as they have bypass permission."
1. Mute a Player:
Use /shush <player> to toggle mute status for a specific player.
Example: /shush Furq_
Reload Configuration:
Use /shush reload to reload the plugin's configuration (requires permission).
Private Messaging:
Private messages using /msg, /tell, or /w are monitored and blocked if the sender has been muted by the recipient.
For assistance, visit the GitHub Repository or join our Discord Server.
Shush is released under the Apache License 2.0.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 53
First Release: Oct 6, 2024
Last Update: Oct 8, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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