ShoutWave Plugin Documentation
Version: 1.21
Author: Gaurav
ShoutWave is the ultimate plugin for dynamic server communication! Broadcast messages to all players or target specific worlds with ease. Customize prefixes, use gradient text (1.16+), and send messages directly from the console.
- World-Specific Messaging: Send messages to players in specific worlds.
- ✨ Customizable Prefix: Style your message prefix with Minecraft color codes.
- Gradient Text Support: Apply stunning gradients to your text (Minecraft 1.16+).
- ️ Console Messaging: Broadcast messages from the console.
- Easy Reload: Instantly update settings with /sw reload.
- /sw [message]
Description: Broadcast a message to all players.
Usage: /sw Hello, everyone!
- /sw world [world name] [message]
Description: Send a message to players in a specific world.
Usage: /sw world world_nether Nether portal activated!
- /sw reload
Description: Reload the plugin configuration.
Usage: /sw reload
Configuration ️
File Path: plugins/ShoutWave/config.yml
# Prefix for broadcast messages.
prefix: "&e[ShoutWave] &f"
# Message shown when the plugin is reloaded.
reloadMessage: "&fPlugin has been reloaded."
# Gradient text support (1.16+ required)
useGradient: true
- Prefix: Customize with Minecraft color codes (e.g., &e for yellow).
- Reload Message: Message displayed when reloading the plugin.
- Gradient Text Support: Enable for gradient effects (Minecraft 1.16+).
- Download the ShoutWave.jar file.
- Install by placing it in your server’s plugins folder.
- Restart your server to activate the plugin.
- Configure settings in config.yml as needed.