Shop - the intuitive shop plugin icon

Shop - the intuitive shop plugin -----

An easy to use shop plugin with advanced features

The Minecraft 1.16 Update
Important: this update is not backwards compatible with any older versions of Spigot. Due to changes in APIs, this will only work on 1.16

Boy has it been a long time. As I have stated in the past, I do not program nearly as much as I used to but I do like to check in once in a while and do updates and keep what I made operational for the community. This is not a requirement by Spigot terms and conditions but I legitimately do care about my projects and the community that is able to utilize them. So if you ever felt I was not active enough, I apologize but life has its ebbs and flows and I appreciate every one of you.


So anyway, what's in the update?

Look at this cool new COMBO shop (combining buying and selling into one shop) with some decimal vault currency prices and a cool new warped sign. If that doesn't scream 'new and improved' I don't know what does.

- man oh man what a lot of bug fixes...
- updated dependencies for Spigot, WorldGuard, and Vault
- shops are now able to use decimal values when using a vault economy
- all new sign types can now be used on shops! Enjoy those green and blue signs to create shops
- removed support for ClearLag (repository for API is no longer reachable)
- removed custom material naming support (block ids are deprecated so items.tsv no longer is valid)
- fixed gamble shops (display "?" block was updated to MC 1.16 and chat messages for amount are now fixed. also fixed exceptions being thrown when stocking the gamble shops with items)
- added COMBO shop to main documentation page.
- added new serverName in signConfig since Spigot removed the server name variables from the configs. This is what is shown on admin shops as the name
- reworked shop saving system to only use UUIDs. This should fix issues with players changing names and shops not transferring. Legacy save files will be automatically converted.


Finally, please note: remove your signConfig.yml file (and your gambleDisplayItem.yml in the Data folder) and allow new ones to be generated.

I would also recommend creating a backup of your Data folder in case the new saving systems goes wrong. I did quite a bit of testing but always good to be safe in case the conversion to the new file type blows up. :)

I appreciate each and every one of you and look forward to the new bugs reported in this version! As always, please submit bug reports and feature requests here:

----------, Aug 19, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 3,091
First Release: Jul 19, 2015
Last Update: Sep 16, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
289 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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