Shop - the intuitive shop plugin icon

Shop - the intuitive shop plugin -----

An easy to use shop plugin with advanced features

Bug fixes!
Hello everyone.

I am sorry for my lack of updates in the past month. It's been a crazy month with a lot of stuff happening outside of this website and I have not been able to devote much time to fixing the bugs you guys dug up for Shop.

Here is everything I have been able to add so far. Please let me know if I missed something that you reported to me that was not fixed in this update and I will get to it ASAP. Anyways, I think I got the major ones.

  • Added a new /shop setgamble command. This will allow you to set the current item in your hand to be the gamble shop display item.
  • Added an option to the main configuration file to disable creative selection for shop items.
  • Added new tags to signConfig [item type] [barter item type] so server owners can configure messages to let players know what item type is being sold if using display type 'NONE' on their shops when the items have custom names.
  • Shulker box dupe has been resolved. All metadata on items should now be compared properly with the new system so no bug like this should ever happen again. NBT tags should also be checked correctly now.
  • Signs can no longer be placed on the sides of chests.
  • Operator commands should now be able to be executed by non OPs with the shop.operator permission.
  • Shulker boxes in front of existing shops can now be broken again.
  • Double chest shops should now all work properly again.
  • Shulker shops can now be initialized with a sign on the ground instead of just a sign placed directly on them.
  • Fixed an error in Minecraft 1.7 that involved fancy messages not being supported. Plain text is now sent instead and will cause no errors in the console.
Hope that's everything! Again, I want to apologize for the lack of support in the last few weeks. I take great pride in my plugins and am sorry that many of you felt like you were not getting the support you deserve.

I will be around and will answer any questions or concerns you may have. Have an awesome day!
----------, Jan 12, 2017
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 3,091
First Release: Jul 19, 2015
Last Update: Sep 16, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
289 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings