Shop - the intuitive shop plugin icon

Shop - the intuitive shop plugin -----

An easy to use shop plugin with advanced features

Fix shop saving bug and rework item currency

Sorry for the lack of updates. I have been very busy with another project (coming soon) and in my personal life in the last month or so.

This update should fix the rare issue of your Data folder being wiped and also adds two new commands for setting item currency.

New Commands

/shop currency - displays the currency Shops are using
/shop setcurrency - sets the currency to the
current held item

This allows Shop to utilize a more advanced system for item currency with a custom item name, enchants, and anything else.

----------, Aug 11, 2016
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 3,091
First Release: Jul 19, 2015
Last Update: Sep 16, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
289 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings