This is the beta version from Shibuya.Please note that things may evolve over time. If you have any ideas or suggestions for improvements, feel free to reach out to me on Discord:
/Infinity on
/Infinity off
Permissions: shibuya.infinity
/Shibuya give blue
/Shibuya give red
/Shibuya give Purple
Permissions: shibuya.shibuya
Summon a powerful Wolf for one minute, providing enhanced strength and protection during your adventures.
Permissions: shibuya.divinedogs
/Firesphere start
/Firesphere stop
Create a sphere where nothing can escape and nothing can enter.
And burn all entities trapped inside.
Permissions: shibuya.firesphere
/Icesphere start
/Icesphere stop
Create a sphere where nothing can escape and nothing can enter.
And slow all entities trapped inside.
Permissions: shibuya.icesphere
Introducing the Fingers crafted with a Nether Star and a Diamond! Once crafted, this unique item can be consumed to grant various effects to the player.
Additionally, players can drink milk to reset the effects of the Finger back to their default state.
Code (YAML):
#Messages ChatPrefix: "&dShibuya: &7"# This is the prefix for all messages sent by the plugin NoPermission: "&cYou do not have permission to use this command."# This is the message sent to a player when they do not have permission to use a command Infinityon: "&7Infinity has been enabled."# This is the message sent to a player when they enable the Infinity command Infinityoff: "&7Infinity has been disabled."# This is the message sent to a player when they disable the Infinity command InfinityInfo: "&7/infinity <on|off>"# This is the message sent to a player when they use the Infinity command incorrectly DivineDogsCooldown: "&7Divine Dogs will be enabled in &c{time} &7seconds."# This is the message sent to a player when they enable the Divine Dogs command FireSphereStart: "&7Fire Sphere has been enabled."# This is the message sent to a player when they enable the Fire Sphere command FireSphereStop: "&7Fire Sphere has been disabled."# This is the message sent to a player when they disable the Fire Sphere command FireSphereInfo: "&7/firesphere <start|stop>"# This is the message sent to a player when they use the Fire Sphere command incorrectly FireSphereNotActive: "&7Fire Sphere is not active."# This is the message sent to a player when they try to use the Fire Sphere command when it is not active IceSphereStart: "&7Ice Sphere has been enabled."# This is the message sent to a player when they enable the Ice Sphere command IceSphereStop: "&7Ice Sphere has been disabled."# This is the message sent to a player when they disable the Ice Sphere command IceSphereInfo: "&7/icesphere <start|stop>"# This is the message sent to a player when they use the Ice Sphere command incorrectly IceSphereNotActive: "&7Ice Sphere is not active."# This is the message sent to a player when they try to use the Ice Sphere command when it is not active ShibuyaInfo: "&7/Shibuya <give> blue,red,purple"# This is the message sent to a player when they use the Shibuya command incorrectly CursedTechniqueReversalRedCooldown: "&7Cursed Technique Reversal: Red will be enabled in &c{time} &7seconds."# This is the message sent to a player when they enable the Cursed Technique Reversal: Red command CursedTechniqueLapseBlueCooldown: "&7Cursed Technique Lapse: Blue will be enabled in &c{time} &7seconds."# This is the message sent to a player when they enable the Cursed Technique Lapse: Blue command HollowTechniquePurpleCooldown: "&7Hallowed Technique: Purple will be enabled in &c{time} &7seconds."# This is the message sent to a player when they enable the Hallowed Technique: Purple command #Items Cursed Technique Reversal Red: # This is the item that is given to a player when they use the Shibuya command with the argument "red" Material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE
# This is the material of the item Name: "&cCursed Technique Reversal: Red"# This is the name of the item Cursed Technique Lapse Blue: # This is the item that is given to a player when they use the Shibuya command with the argument "blue" Material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE
# This is the material of the item Name: "&9Cursed Technique Lapse: Blue"# This is the name of the item Hollow Technique Purple: # This is the item that is given to a player when they use the Shibuya command with the argument "purple" Material: PURPLE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE
# This is the material of the item Name: "&5Hallowed Technique: Purple"# This is the name of the item #Cooldowns (in seconds) DivineDogsTime: 60
# This is the cooldown for the Divine Dogs command CursedTechniqueReversalRedTime: 60
# This is the cooldown for the Cursed Technique Reversal: Red command CursedTechniqueLapseBlueTime: 60
# This is the cooldown for the Cursed Technique Lapse: Blue command HollowTechniquePurpleTime: 60
# This is the cooldown for the Hallowed Technique: Purple command