Bug fixes ▹ Patched a bug setting the wrong location as Hub Location ▹ Patched a miss displayed message on sheeps config gui ▹ Patched a bug in Multi-Version causing errors while configuring
Improvements ▹ Clarity improvement in Configuration
New features ▪ Config GUI rework ▹ Added minimum players to autostart a game configuration ▪ New command /sheep settings ▹ Added Hub-command config ▹ Added startup settings to automatically create games ▹ Added Game basis settings (Waiting room scoreboard / team-selector /..)
Bug fixes ▹ Patched a bug that made players able to join multiple games
Improvements ▹ Global visibility and user interface improvements. ▹ Number of players per team is now editable with mouse clicks
> Config GUI redesign (More coming..)
> Patched a crash when starting a game with one player.
> Changed UTF8 to file reader charset. (Needs java 11)
> Improved visual and auditive clarity when setting up configs.
> ...
(More coming in 0.3..)
What changed ? (0.2.1)
> Added a configurable item to leave the game while waiting for playes
> Added a configurable item when there are no games available in playergui
> Updated Death System. Fixed several bugs causing errors in terminal.
> Reviewed the Random-Team accuracy.
... More coming in v0.3
What changed ? (0.2)
> Added command /sheep playergui
[ Configurable in plugins/SheepWars/settings.yml ]
> Added command /sheep randomgame (config)
> Added command /sheep leave
> Sending back players to Hub when leaving a game
[ Hub command configurable in plugins/SheepWars/settings.yml ]
> Implemented team-selector section of settings.yml
> Added ItemType selection for the team-selector
> Fixed a bug that caused Config ChatAsks to send the message in chat when present in a game.
> Deleting games when starting with 0 players
What changes ?
> Added infinity to bow
> Cancelled food loss when in game
> Cancelled block drops when in game
What changed ? > Added the Healing Sheep
> Made the TabCompleter for sheep commands more restrictive with permissions
> Patched an error that occured when stopping the server while a game was running
> Patched a bug that was changing the config's world location of SpawnPoints when teleporting players
> More sound effects
What changed ?
> Game now starts automaticaly when reaching the autoStartAt value of players
> Game now ends when there is only one team left
> Players do not longer take damages in GameHub
> Players now receive directly the whool of the sheeps they kill in their inventory (No more item drop).
> Added hub-command in settings.yml to be executed by a player when needed
> Reinforced permissions restriction