ShatteredScrolls icon

ShatteredScrolls -----

Teleport and warp with scrolls, in style!

Version: 2.0.0
Fantastic plugin, great Dev.
It is a must have plugin for survival or like a rpg server or just simpler warps!
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Version: 2.0.0
Great Dev, Great Plugin. in the older Version, a small issue was found but ive Talking with the DEV and 5 Minutes Later it was Fixed and Newer Version was released
Author's response
Thanks for the review, and the reminder to release the new version on here!

Version: 1.2.0
Good idea but it has a major issue, if you has a stack of unbinded scrolls and you use the scroll it its stacked to bind the location, all scrolls of the stack are binded to this location. and if you has a stack of binded scrolls like 10 home scrolls and you use the scrolls in stacked condition, all scrolls decrease the use counter.

the better solution for this Problem is to change the scroll item to the mojang_banner_pattern or another similar item.
Author's response
This is resolved in the latest dev builds.

Version: 1.2.0
This is a great survival teleportation method, and the customization available in the config is superb.
Author's response
Thanks for the review! I've got a new version in the works that you might like even better!

Version: 1.0.3
Must have plugin! I've implemented it on my small server for friends. Waiting for more updates.
Author's response
Thanks for the review! I've got a small update coming soon!

Version: 1.0.3
Author is very helpful and friendly, unique idea well executed by a smart and patient guy. Undoubtedly a top tier survival plugin.
Author's response
Thanks for the review, and for your patience with some of the earlier versions!

Version: 1.0.3
Awesome plugin, work as intended. It is very highly customizable and is a great addition to your server!
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 748
First Release: Jan 9, 2020
Last Update: May 19, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
6 ratings
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