♦ Shared Advancements ♦
Plug and play, once one player unlocks an achievement it will be unlocked for the entire server. Ideal for SMP with friends. Currently only supports YAML file as storage.
NOTE: Crafting recipes are also considered advancements, so they are synced globally by default too.
- Advancements are made global instead of per player
- Custom advancements created by other plugins/apis should also be synced, as long as they are registered on the server.
→ Installation
1. Download
2. Put the jar in your plugins folder
3. ...
4. Profit
→ Support
If you have any problems or just general questions or suggestions, you can contact me through my discord server (if you have any issues, please be respectful and expect that we might not be able to help the same day): https://discord.gg/zaenb4ux2Y
→ Changes to (possibly) add
- Allow for filters so only some advancements can be personal/global
- Make progression towards Advancements also shared (i.e. Advancement would be mine 25 stone, player 1 mined 10 stone and player 2 mined 15 stone, currently it would not complete the advancement until one individual has mined 25 stone. We might make an option to enable to share the progression too)
Feel free to add any suggestions of your own, depending on the usage of this plugin, I'll add more or less features over a period of time.
Also welcome to contribute to the GitHub repository in case you want to add your own additions.