Hey fellow buyers and my friends
In this update I've added quite a lot of things to the current SGReborn system in preparation for the large recode and update 2.0!
Some things added or fixed:
- Added Graves system!
- Added Custom items system that works well with chests.yml. If you want to add custom items to tier 1 or tier 2 chests you can add following custom items (ci-goldenhead, ci-selectionchest, ci-carepackage). Soom more custom items will be added
- Fixed scoreboard not working well with placeholderapi, should work fluently now!
- Fixed Error with mysql database not being properly updated when new objects were added!
- Added precentage system for map voting instead of relying on static integers to choose the map.
- Fixed deathmatch not starting when using specific mode sometimes
- Fixed that players without permission could use color codes in chat.
- Fixed disguise system. Should work properly now
- and some other things that I made and forgot what it was :'D
Things to expect in the near future:
- Air Drops system
- Boss protecting the center on chest refill (ssh

- Completed level system!
- Achievements system!
- Corpse system (if graves aren't enough '

- Fiests system!
- Shopkeeper (Similar to bedwars, spawns randomly on the map)
All the features are toggleable in the config, so if you don't like them simply turn them off.
Thank you for your time and have a good day!