SG: Reborn is a plugin that challenges each player to survive as long as he can and be the last man standing! Survival Games is a predecessor of the famous Battle Royale genre! This gamemode includes looting chests and gaining advantages on others! You can also find a teammate to have an easier time winning, but remember there's only one winner. So watch your back!
SG: Reborn completely revamps old SG systems and makes them better! Therefore the name SG: Reborn!
SG Reborn Version Comparison:
Ability to Manage 3 SG Based Game Modes (Survival Games, Clan Wars and Tournaments for SG or CW)
Fully Configurable (Menus, Join Items, Messages, Scoreboard, Maps, Kits and Chests)
Common Path for Map Folders
Database Support (MongoDB). Stats, achievements, boosters and leaderboards require MongoDB!
Chunk Loading System (Loads all chunks before teleporting players to a map)
Clan War System (Classic style)
Tiered chests! (Tier 1 = Regular chest, Tier 2 = Enderchest or trapped chest)
Leaderboards system (For tournaments and regular games)
Stats system (That shows all the required information for a player either in chat or in an interactive book)
Kits system! (Create your own kits! Let your players purchase them with coins or lock them behind a permission!)
PlaceholderAPI support!
Tournament System (MCMonday style, ability to host SG or CW tournaments)
30+ Scoreboard Placeholders
Ability to Add Custom/Private Kits (Can be purchased with points or permission)
Detailed Map Command (Saving, loading/unloading maps, no need to use other world managing plugins)
Exclusive Perks for Donators (Penta/Quadra/Triple/Double Votes, Full Server Join, Private Kits and Custom Setup Menu)
Ability to Add Custom Join Items
Advanced Custom Setup (Map, Grace Period, Flint and Steel, Hunger, Health, Time of the day and Chest Types)
Ability to Toggle Commands (Bounty, ConfirmBounty, Stats, Vote, Sponsor and Leaderboard)
Ability to Toggle Team/Player Nametags
Vote system that resembles MCGamer Network! (Vote to play on your favorite map!)
Built-in World Manager to configure your own maps and worlds!
End Damage Chart (Shows damages of winner and losers, MVP and Worst when the game ends)
Ability to Choose Map Pool Size
Max/Min Bounty To Send / Bounty Amounts / Start Bounty For Stats (50 to 500)
Multiple Deathmatch styles! (Arena, Common Deathmatch!)
Refills, Grace, Custom Servers, Vote Power, Bounty System.
Kill coins precentages like MCSG!
Chest Holograms (require Decent Holograms)
Leveling system
Elo system
Discord Webhooks (on Game Start and Game End)
Custom Items that can be used in chests.
Care package (can be used by adding ci-carepackage to chests.yml)
Golden Head (can be used by adding ci-goldenhead to chests.yml)
Selection Chest (can be used by adding ci-selectionchest to chests.yml)
Graves system
Boss system (Happens on chest refill)
Air Drop system with interactive user experience!
Waiting Lobby Practice (Looting, crafting, PvP)
Custom image display to winner when game finishes!
Rank system (badlion style)
Achievements system (Showcases nicely in the interactive book, can be extended with an API)
Fast and optimized Leaderboards GUI System based on MMR, EXP & Wins.
And much more!
Kill Command - sg.command.kill
Manage Command - sg.command.manage
Map Command -
Setup Command - sg.command.setup
Join Full Servers - sg.fulljoin
Only Donators Spec - sg.donatorspec
See Spectator Chat - sg.seespectatorchat
See Hidden LB - sg.seehiddenleaderboard
Leave Tournament Team - sg.leaveteam
6X Vote - sg.sextavotes
5X Vote - sg.pentavotes
4X Vote - sg.quadravotes
3X Vote - sg.triplevotes
2X Vote - sg.doublevotes
Showcase video:
Coming soon.
Map setup video:
You can request your server to be added here!
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Astral Network | Kyodo Network [Modified SRC] | Seiky Network