ServerCtrl icon

ServerCtrl -----

A Minecraft Plugin to control your Server from an Android / Windows / Linux App or a Webinterface

Version: 4.1.3
This is a great plugin, and I highly recommend it! However, it’s unfortunate that it doesn’t offer full support for the Velocity Proxy, which would really enhance its functionality

Version: 4.1.0
Super recommended! Very useful for your server if you don't have a panel to edit things without knowing much about servers haha, at least it was useful for that for me haha.

Version: 3.3.2
This is such a great plugin, and it comes out of the box with a high class dev. With the level of support and quality of this resource, it could easily be a paid plugin.

Can't wait for the new update to be released. Keep up the great work and continue being the amazing person you are!

Version: 3.3.2
Super plugin.Wish it would have more features.Please keep it updates as there are no other better options than this one

Version: 3.3.2
really underrated plugin. please do not drop this plugin keep continuing your work i really love this plugin.

Version: 3.3.2
Most of the network code is running on the main thread, which will cause issues with performance. Network IO should never be on the main thread, and this review serves as a warning to anyone who runs a public server and cares about performance. Giving a high rating for not being obfuscated and for being free, though. Can't have too high of expectations for a free plugin.
Author's response
Hi, thanks for the Review. I will definetly change that in the next Version. But this could take a while

Version: 3.3.2
This is a very good plugin, you should use it.
It's just simple, there's no way you could get lost.
And if you're lucky enough to not understand something,
you can go ask the creator on his Discord server and
he will surely help you, or someone else if he happens to be offline.

Also the creator himself is a very good person,
he helps me all the time and not just with the plugin itself.
I really appreciate all the work he put into his plugin
and all the help he gave me during just a few weeks.

Version: 3.2
Great plugin and even a better person.
Without this man I would probably lose the whole server,
he offered me help and we're fixing my VPS for around 15 hours.

Version: 3.2
This plugin is AMAZING, it really helps you with your server. The developer is a really nice and helpful guy, always fixing bugs the moment you report them and adding new features with a speed and precision you don't get to see so often on free plugins. All in all a very enjoyable experience and a unique, incredibly helpful plugin. Keep up the great work!

Version: 2.4.1
It's really useful , I had a problem and support was fast and really nice
It even works if you have multiple servers like me ( Bungee network with 5 servers )
Author's response
Thanks for the Feedback ;)

Version: 2.3.1
Nice plugin
Thanks men
Author's response
Thanks for the Feedback ;)

Version: 2.3.0
The new version runs perfectly.Although there is a little problem with app, it doesn't hinder its perfection。

I hope it can do better, such as uploading plug-ins on mobile phones (I don't know if it works), or adding some quick instructions.
Author's response
Thanks for the feedback and the ideas ;)

Version: 2.1.2
I will recommend you implement MC 1.8+ to this plugin becars most of the people are using that version for PVP servers (like me).
Author's response
Added ;)

Version: 2.1.1
Hello, I love this plugin. It is a wonderful plugin.
I saw that someone also want to transfer it. But I can not find this plugin in mcbbs until now. Could you please give me your permission to transfer this plugin to the minecraft website in China:
Of course, the work is free. Also, they will know this website and the author's name.I think it will make more and more people know this plugin.
Author's response
Hi, thanks for your feedback. You can transfer it to the Chinese Website. But as you said you have to credit me ;)

Version: 1.4
Nach einem Update der eine Log Funktion eingefügt hat bin ich vollkommen zufrieden

Version: 1.3
Finde die Idee echt gut nur fehlt mir die möglichkeit eine art Log zu haben wer sich wann eingeloggt hat.
Author's response
Danke für deinen Vorschlag ;) Lade dir die Version 1.4 herunter und probiere die Log-Funktion aus und gebe dein Feedback dazu, wenn du möchtest

Version: 1.3
Nachdem durch meine schlechte Bewertung ein Update gemacht wurde, bin ich nun voll und ganz zufrieden!!! Super Tool, erspart auf jeden Fall immer die Zeit auf dem Handy im Browser alles über die Konsole zu machen. Kann es jetzt super über die App steuern!
Author's response
Vielen Dank ;)

Version: 1.2.2
In der Config lässt sich User und Passwort nicht ändern. Nach einem Server Neustart werden die zurück auf die Standardeinstellung gestellt. Mir persönlich zu unsicher!
Author's response
Danke für den Hinweis. Ich kümmere mich gleich mal drum

Version: 1.2.2
The plugin looks great. I think it would be better if you could adapt to the lower version and 1.15.
And i would like to move this plugin to a china minecraft website: I would also like to re-distribute your plug-in and mobile client for download with Chinese players. rest assured that i will note is your developmIfent and provide back to here the connection
If you can. I can translate this plug-in for you
Author's response
Hi, thanks for the Feedback,
as long as you don't make money with the plugin or App or I have to pay you, you are good to go. I don't speak chinese so a translation would be perfect

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 9,259
First Release: Oct 23, 2019
Last Update: Jul 7, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
16 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings