This resource is not plugin
Damage me script is used to add information element to game.
When entity get damaged, script shows how big the damage was.
What is script offering?
- Function, that can be used anywhere
- Customizability
- Download damage_me script
- Put script in file located /plugins/skript/scripts
Setting up:
- Open file
- Edit values in "Options" section to your liking
- You can set animation of indicator, how fast the animation is, how long will it be shown, how far from entity, colors of indicators and damage range for each damage level. There are 5 damage levels.
Code (Text):
height: true #Indicator animation
height_move: 0.01 #If animation is enabled, set how big the movement is
wait: 100 #Time for how long will be indicator shown
random_x: -0.75 and 0.75 #Indicator dispersion in x-coordinate
random_y: -0.5 and 0.25 #Indicator dispersion in y-coordinate
random_z: -0.75 and 0.75 #Indicator dispersion in z-coordinate
lowest_damage: 2 #Lowest indicator number
lowest_damage_color: &a #Lowest indicator color
low_damage: 2 and 5 #Low indicator number
low_damage_color: &e #Low indicator color
medium_damage: 5 and 7 #Medium indicator number
medium_damage_color: &6 #Medium indicator color
high_damage: 7 and 10 #High indicator number
high_damage_color: &c #High indicator color
critical_damage: 10 #Critical indicator number
critical_damage_color: &4 #Critical indicator color
#Description #JPDamageIndicator(<location> , <number of damage>)
#Example #JPDamageIndicator(location of event-player, 10)
Can i edit the file?
Yes, script is written to be easily understood and edited
Can i order custom scripts?
Yes, you can contact me on my discord
Where to send ideas for improvements?
Join my discord and send the idea
Can i order one image, like is the one at top of page?
Yes, you can contact me on my discord
Don't use reviews to report bugs or give ideas