This plugins represents a masterpiece in chat safety.
It is in itself impossible to define chat security without thinking about this software.
1) Extreme Performance
This plugin uses some of the best methods available to perform its checks and functions, guaranteeing with an absolute certainty easy computations and fast responses.
This software will never impact your server experience!
2) Innovation
The innovation brought by this plugin is sincerely noticeable and of outstanding quality.
First of all it represents a full scale usage of ViperTomlConfig, an indipendent library developer through the efforts of research and experimentation with the new TOML configuration system.
Above that, it then implements the new modular system to create runtime checks that can be added and removed from the server at any point!
3) Api and Documentation
This software comes with one of the best APIs and Documentations available for any chat safety software.
If you are a developer planning to update it or integrating it, you can rest assured of the smooth experience!
4) Database Support
As stated by this resource page, SafeChat supports one of the biggest sets of database environments, thanks to its ORM implementation.
As of today it brings support to: MySQL, MariaDB, H2, CockroachDB, PostgreSQL, HyperSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, IBM DB2 and SQLite
Great job to Jochyoua for working with me, overall making the result of a finer quality and of a much more delightful experience.