It is a system that allows players to set up their own repositories and share these repositories with other players, you can authorise players to increase the number of repositories and allow them to use these repositories as they wish..
/storage permission - open the permission menu
/storage addplayer - Adds a player to your storage
/storage removeplayer - Deletes a player from your storage
/storage open - Accesses the storage of a player who has added you
/storage admin open - Provides access to a player's storage
/storage admin delete - Cleans a player's storage
# # Author by Weesli # RVaults options:
prefix: "&6STORAGE &8>> " # Initial number of slots (1 = 9) max = 6 (6 = 54), If this is 0, players cannot open a storage without authorisation! starter-size: 1
# Storage menu title use %player% menu-title: "&8%player%'s repository"
# Messages file NOT-PLAYER-ARGUMENT: "&cPlease enter a player name" PLAYER-NOT-FOUND: "&cPlayer not found" NOT-ADD-YOU-SELF: "&cYou cant't add yourself" ADDED-PLAYER: "&a%player% has been added your storage!" PLAYER-ALREADY-ADDED-STORAGE: "&cThis player already added to storage!" NOT-REMOVE-YOU-SELF: "&cYou can't remove yourself" PLAYER-ALREADY-NOT-CONTAIN-IN-STORAGE: "&cThis player already not contain in your storage!" REMOVE-PLAYER: "&a%player% has been removed your storage!" YOU-NOT-CONTAIN-STORAGE: "&cYou are not contain in this player storage!" PLAYER-NOT-HAVE-STORAGE: "&cPlayer hasn't storage!" DELETED-PLAYER-STORAGE: "&cPlayer's storage deleted" YOU-NOT-HAVE-STORAGE: "&cYou have not a storage!"
# Permisions message PUT-PERMISSION: "&cYou cannot add put item this inventory because this inventory close by owner" PICK-PERMISSION: "&cYou cannot item pick up in inventory because this inventory close by owner" OPEN-PERMISSION: "&cYou cannot open inventory because this inventory close by owner" NO-PERMISSON: "&cYou don't use this command!" admin-help: -
"&e&m " -
"&e/storage admin delete <player> - Delete storage of player " -
"&e/storage admin open <player> - Open storage of player " -
"&e&m "