1. rpgdrop.protection
People with this permission will have protected drops.
2. rpgdrop.commands
People with this permission will have access to /rpgdrop command.
3. rpgdrop.bypass
People with this permission bypass protection and can pick up protected items.
Default config:
mythicMobsSupport: false
partiesSupport: false
# Party members will share protection and will be able to pick other party members' protected loot.
enabled: false
partySupport: true
guildSupport: true
friendsSupport: true
# Enables support for MMOCore parties, guilds and friends modules.
# Allies will share protection and will be able to pick other allies' protected loot.
enabled: false
alliedClansShareLoot: true
# Clan allies will share protection and will be able to pick other allies' protected loot.
clearProtectionOnLeave: false
# Default: false
# Should the drop protection be cleared when items owner(the one who made them drop) leaves the server.
clearProtectionOnDeath: false
# Default: false
# Should the drop protection be cleared on death of items' owner(the one who made them drop).
preventFromHoppers: true
# Default: true
# Should the protected items prevented from going into hoppers.
mobsCanPickUp: false
# Default: false
# Should mobs pick up protected items.
timeToProtect: 10
# Default: 10
# Time to protect dropped loot(in seconds).
# Set this value to 0 or negative if you want protection to be endless.
# Decimals will just get rounded.