=== v1.2.20 ===
+ Added 1.21.4 and 1.21.3 support
+ Added Nexo custom item support
+ Added zItems and zEssentials support for custom items
+ Added a new `looter-pickup-only` property for items to only allow the looter to pick up the item
* The `biome` condition now supports custom biomes on 1.21.3+
* Fixed an issue with `amount-modifiers` not applying multiple properties when one condition fails
=== v1.2.19 ===
+ Added VAULT loot table types for editing the loot ejected from Vaults and Trial Spawners
+ Added 3 new conditions for VAULT tables, `ominous`, `trial-spawner-state`, and `vault-state`, see wiki for details
+ Added support for dropping items from AdvancedItems
* Loot table warnings now display in chat if you reload the plugin as a player to make errors more obvious, this can be disabled in the config
* Fixed enchant-randomly not working in combination with other enchantments
* Fixed an issue with ARCHAEOLOGY tables and the overwrite-existing: items property
=== v1.2.18 ===
+ Added support for editing some components of items (food-component, jukebox-playable-component, and tool-component), see wiki for details
+ Added the ability to set the `loot-table` property of a container being dropped, only supports vanilla loot tables
+ Added a `rosestacker_stack_item` loot item to allow dropping stacked spawners, blocks, and spawn eggs
+ Added music-instrument property for `goat_horn` items
* Fixed some "Failed to resolve item" messages in console appearing when they shouldn't
* Fixed database migrations not being applied causing the cooldown condition to not work
* Fixed some compatibility issues with lower versions due to API changes
* Fixed some vanilla loot table examples (archaeology, pots, dispensers)
=== v1.2.17 ===
+ Added an EcoSkills experience loot item, see wiki for details
+ Loot items now support placeholders just about everywhere, including the `item` loot item `item` type
* Fixed item attributes not working on 1.21 and added a setting to restore vanilla item attributes (enabled by default)
* Fixed the random enchantment ordering causing some to not be applied properly
* Updated the RoseStacker hook to support v1.5.24
* Internally refactored config settings
=== v1.2.16 ===
+ Added
BlockTracker support to allow checking for naturally placed or player placed blocks. New condition `blocktracker-natural-block`.
+ Added
EcoMobs support. New condition `ecomobs-type` to check for a custom mob type.
=== v1.2.15 ===
* Fixed the plugin reload command erroring sometimes
* Fixed dropping experience erroring once on some server versions
=== v1.2.14 ===
* Fixed vanilla example files not generating on 1.21
* Fixed the randomly-enchant property not working on 1.21
* Changed the number provider decimals unlimited property from 0 to -1 to allow values with no decimals
=== v1.2.13 ===
+ Added support for 1.21 & 1.20.6
+ Added ominous bottle item meta support
* Potion loot items no longer support the `upgraded` or `extended` properties, prefix with `strong_` or `long_` for the respective upgrades
* Fixed multikills from RoseStacker sometimes dropping the wrong number of items
* Fixed exploration maps having the wrong setting names in the vanilla examples
* Renamed the `type` property of firework loot items to `shape` due to shadowing by the loot item type property
=== v1.2.12 ===
* Fixed context placeholders being lost for RoseStacker stack kills
* Fixed the RoseStacker hook not checking if RoseStacker is installed
* Fixed an issue where loot tables wouldn't run for singular RoseStacker stack kills
* Updated the RoseStacker context placeholders
=== v1.2.11 ===
+ Added the option to change the decimal count for randomly generated numbers, defaults to 2
+ Added CoinsEngine support for the economy loot item
+ Added additional context placeholders for economy loot items, see wiki for more details
* Fixed some RoseStacker compatibilities with loot items not dropping as expected when killing multiple entities from stacks
* Fixed an error related to falling blocks hitting the ground and causing an error on specifically 1.20 or 1.20.1
* Fixed an issue where some grouped loot items could produce infinite and unexpected results
- Removed the `dropped-item` condition, this has been deprecated for several versions and has been replaced by `input-item`
=== v1.2.10 ===
+ Added armor trim support
+ Added support for NeigeItems
* Fixed enchant-randomly not working
* Fixed a fishing statistic error
* Fixed some RoseStacker conditions
=== v1.2.9 ===
+ Added CustomFishing support for dropping custom items
+ Added DeezItems support for dropping custom items
* Fixed enchant-randomly not working for books or enchanted books
* Fixed some non-player block breaks not running loot tables
* Falling block entities now run BLOCK loot tables when dropping items
* Improved compatibility with RoseStacker, requires RoseStacker v1.5.17 or newer
=== v1.2.8 ===
* Fixed dropping player heads erroring on some versions
=== v1.2.7 ===
* Fixed nested rolling/weight logic
* Fixed archaeology with no overwrite-existing value
* Fixed tag loot items erroring with the generate command
* Now compiled against 1.20.2, still supports 1.16.5+
=== v1.2.6 ===
* Fixed placeholder != values not working
* Fixed archaeology loot table types not working when the suspicious sand/gravel didn't have a vanilla loot table associated with it
=== v1.2.5 ===
+ Added `coreprotect-natural-block` condition
+ Added `oraxen-block` condition
+ Added `%mythic_mob_level%` as a context placeholder when using the MythicMobs conditions
* Fixed the `ENTITY_DROP_ITEM` loot table type not working
* Fixed a version incompatibility with the `biome-key` condition
* Fixed skull textures not working on 1.20.2
=== v1.2.4 ===
+ Added a `/loot cooldowns` command for viewing and resetting cooldowns
+ Cooldowns now persist across restarts
* Fixed warning spam on startup when using randomized item amounts
* The `/loot help` wiki link is now editable so locale files can point to other translated wikis
=== v1.2.3 ===
* Fixed entries not loading
Please use v1.2.3 instead, this jar has a major issue that prevents most of the plugin from working.
=== v1.2.2 ===
+ Added StringPlaceholders (you can now randomize strings from a list)
+ Added `ms` support to the `cooldown` condition
* Made loot table formatting a little less strict
* Fixed triggerable loot items not working for `HARVEST` tables
=== v1.2.1 ===
* Fixed hooked conditions not loading on startup
=== v1.2.0 ===
+ Added advanced condition parsing with `!`, `&&`, `||`, and `()` support
+ Added `ARCHAEOLOGY` loot table support for brushing suspicious sand and gravel
+ Added the ability to set custom piglin barter items
* Optimized listeners by only activating ones that we are actively using
* Fixed the decorated_pot vanilla example file
* Fixed warning messages about missing vanilla loot table properties on first startup on 1.20+
* Deprecated the `dropped-item` condition, use `input-item` instead
=== v1.1.21 ===
+ Added new condition `biome-key` to support biomes from datapacks and worldgen plugins
* Fixed all harvest drops being overwritten when no loot tables
* Fixed an error when a custom item wasn't found
=== v1.1.20 ===
+ Added a 'sneaking' condition
* Updated the hook for ExecutableItems and ExecutableBlocks
* Fixed an infinite loop when trying to drop items with a stack size of 0 (air, don't try to drop air)
* Slight performance improvement when there's nothing for RoseLoot to do during an event
=== v1.1.19 ===
+ Item meta can now be edited for custom_item loot items
* Fixed item_used property not being set properly for bows, causing enchantment conditions not to work correctly
* The enchant-randomly property should now work with custom enchantments
=== v1.1.18 ===
* Fixed incorrect drop amounts with RoseStacker when using SIMPLE entity data storage, now only compatible with RoseStacker v1.5.6 and newer
=== v1.1.17 ===
+ Added killer conditions for every single entity condition. Just add the prefix `killer-` to an existing entity condition to switch it from the entity killed to the killer
+ Added a basic API implementation for registering custom conditions, this will be documented on the wiki in the near future
=== v1.1.16 ===
+ Added rosestacker-primary-entity condition and a stack size placeholder
+ Added placeholder number providers
+ Added container_contents loot item to drop a container's contents (such as chest items)
* Loot tables from minecart chests are now run for the CONTAINER type
* Loot tables now run from the top to the bottom of the file instead of randomly per section
* The overwrite-existing section now allows multiple values
=== v1.1.15 ===
+ Added entity condition for camels
* Fixed the rosestacker-stacked-entity condition being true for stack sizes of 1
* Hooks are now only loaded when they're used
- Removed 'ecoitems' custom_item type, use 'eco' instead
=== v1.1.14 ===
+ Added an option to "broadcast" messages to all players
* Updated the Oraxen hook to work with the new API
* Fixed explosion loot causing blocks not to break with overwrite-existing
=== v1.1.13 ===
+ Added replaced-block-type condition
* Fixed looted commands not having PAPI placeholders applied
=== v1.1.12 ===
* Fixed fishing giving an error under some conditions
=== v1.1.11 ===
+ Added a loot item to send discord webhooks
+ Added a random number context placeholder generator
* Performance improvements for use with RoseStacker
=== v1.1.10 ===
+ Added luck-chance condition
+ Added MMOCore profession experience loot item
* Performance improvement when used with RoseStacker
* The PostLootGenerateEvent is now disabled by default and can be enabled in the config.yml
=== v1.1.9 ===
+ Added the ability to drop items from CustomCrafting
=== v1.1.8 ===
+ Added the ability to drop items from MythicMobs
+ Added condition mythicmobs-item-type to check if the used item is a MythicMobs item
* Fixed the /loot giveitems command sometimes throwing errors for custom item plugins
=== v1.1.7 ===
+ Added /loot giveitems command
+ Added support for 1.19 particle data types
* Changed ecoitems to eco, kept backwards compatibility
* Refactored the LootItem interfaces
=== v1.1.6 ===
+ Added a cooldown condition to drop certain loot only once per interval
* Fixed loot table conditions being checked twice, causing potential issues with some conditions
* Easier to understand error messages are now printed to console when a condition fails to parse due to user error
=== v1.1.5 ===
+ Added relative-block-type condition
+ Added a setting to simulate the LeavesDecayEvent for other plugins
* The conditions above-block-type and below-block-type are now deprecated and should be replaced with relative-block-type
* Fixed a possible error with the block-data condition
=== v1.1.4 ===
+ Added on-ground condition
+ Added tamed-pet-owner condition
* Fixed a possible error when searching for an exploration map structure that doesn't exist
=== v1.1.3 ===
* Fixed an issue with 1.16 servers with the world condition
* Fixed an issue with random enchantments when there were none compatible with the tool
=== v1.1.2 ===
+ Added moon-phase condition
+ Added %world_time_ticks% as a context placeholder
* Support for loot table names with spaces for the /loot generate command
* Changed FISHING loot table types to be more compatible with other plugins
* Custom loot items are now resolved during runtime instead of on loot table load
* Rewrote the change_tool_durability loot item type for better custom item support
=== v1.1.1 ===
+ Added new loot item called `change_tool_durability`
+ Entry weights now allow decimals
* Fixed an error with the Terra biome hook in non-Terra worlds
* Fixed the `/loot copy` command throwing an error when NBTAPI isn't installed
* Fixed the `vanilla-loot-table` and `advancement` conditions not allowing list values
The plugin now only runs on
Java 17 and newer. Please see the
GitHub README on instructions on how to run the plugin on 1.16 servers if you still need that.
=== v1.1.0 ===
+ BLOCK loot tables now work for leaf decay
+ BLOCK loot tables now work for blocks that are destroyed by pistons, water sources, or other means of breaking from non-player actions (these features are Paper-only due to API limitations)
* Fixed an issue with RoseStacker when killing an entity with a stack size of 1
=== v1.0.5 ===
+ Added the option to read and write NBT, added four new NBT conditions to do this
+ Added a simulate-blockdropitemevent setting to the config.yml for better compatibility with certain plugins
* Fixed custom enchantments not being detected
* Fixed some conditions limiting their materials to only blocks
* Item tags are now allowed for more conditions
* The /loot copy command has been enhanced to output extra item NBT
=== v1.0.4 ===
+ Added support for the new Swift Sneak enchantment
+ Added new HARVEST loot table type for sweet/glow berry harvesting
* Fixed overwrite-existing always getting set to 'none' when multiple loot tables have the same overwrite-existing value
=== v1.0.3 ===
+ Added support for checking custom biomes from Terra
+ Added support for dropping items from ExecutableBlocks
* Fixed some custom item conditions still registering if enabled but not supported
=== v1.0.2 ===
+ Added support for Minecraft 1.19 entities and conditions
=== v1.0.1 ===
+ Added conditions for RealisticSeasons support
* Fixed an error with RoseStacker when configured to use async death events