# Just replace the default info with your own. :) # Be careful! Make always sure to put an ' after and before the text!
# Should phantoms be able to spawn? enable-phantom-spawning: false
# Do you want to have sounds, when executing commands? use-command-sounds: true
messages: # This is the plugins chat prefix # If you don't want to use it, you can just remove %prefix% in the following messages prefix: '&8
usage: - '&7- - - &8
]&7 - - -'
- ''
- ' &f/phantomcontrol &eenable &8-&7 Enables the spawning of &
#2E2EFEphantoms' - ' &f/phantomcontrol &edisable &8-&7 Disables the spawning of &
#2E2EFEphantoms' phantom-spawn-disabled: '
%prefix% E2EFEPhantoms &7are now &cdisabled' phantom-spawn-enabled: '
%prefix% E2EFEPhantoms &7are now &aenabled' no-permission-msg: '
%prefix% &cYou don''t have permission' sender-is-no-player: '
%prefix% &7That command can only be executed by a player' wrong-argument: '&cWrong argument.'
no-matching-argument: '&cPlease specify an argument.'
As always, if you find bugs or have an idea for improvement, please do not hesitate to open a discussion
here or send me a direct message.
And if you like this or
my other plugins, then please leave a review!