ResourcePackManager 1.3.0
- [New] Improved commands
- [New] Added /logify command to allow admins to easily upload their latest log to
- [Fix] Fixed problem with rerouting files
- [Fix] Fixed compatibility for some plugins
ResourcePackManager 1.2.1
- [New] Added resource pack rerouting, which allows an optional setting in config.yml that will send the merged resource pack to a directory for use in other plugins
ResourcePackManager 1.1.0
- [New] Added a prototype API for plugins to register their plugins
- [Fix] Fixed reloads breaking load order
- [Fix] Fixed remote download not working for resource packs hosted in dropbox
- [Tweak] Changed the way the plugin names resource packs in the mixer folder. Deleting the mixer folder for this update is very highly recommended.
Note: Make sure to delete the mixer folder for this update. This should be the only time this is ever necessary.
ResourcePackManager 1.0.1:
- [New] Added Bstats
- [New] Resource packs now get named after the plugin they come from to avoid namespace collisions
- [New] Added BackpackPlus compatibility
- [New] Added RealisticSurvival compatibility
- [New] Added VaneCore compatibility
- [New] Priority list in config.yml now lets admins define custom resource packs not associated to supported plugins
- [Fix] Mixer folder now correctly allows users to put custom resource packs in them for the resource pack generation
- [Fix] Fixed ValhallaMMO compatibility